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�h3 b4 41 �h2 or 40 �g2 b4 41 �b5 �xf3 42 bishop-pair) 18 �d2 �f6 19 �fd1 �xg3
Our next game was played in the last round. If �f6! �3xf6 43 gxf6 �xf6 44 �c1! was better. 20 hxg3 and the game ended in a draw on
Granda loses he will share first with his opponent. 40...b4 41 �h6 �b7 42 �h2 �a6 move 46.
Still, he declined an early draw offer. Granda isn t Black s pieces are finding some harmony.
just a pro, he actually likes the game! 43 �d2 �c7 Suarez Pouza-Strugnell
Missing 43...�f4! with the idea of 16...cxd3! (16...�xd5 17 dxc4 �xc4
...�d8xg5. 18 �b3 �d3 is only equal) 17 dxc6 dxc2
J.Granda Zuniga-K.Movsziszian
44 �g3 �g8 45 �dh1 �a7 18 0-0 (18 �xc2 amounts to the same
Llucmajor Open 2016
Black s body language transpires a desire thing) 18...�d5 19 �e1 �e8 20 �xc2
to draw, but after... �g4!! (key; otherwise the idea is simply
46 �6h4 wrong) 21 �ad1?! (allowing Black to
demonstrate his point; 21 �g5 �xc6 22 f3
�d7 23 �ad1 �ad8 is just unclear)
21...�xc6! 22 �e4 (22 �xe5? �xd1 hits
the white queen) 22...�xf3 23 gxf3 �d5!
24 �g3 �f4 25 �e4 and now, quite
instructively, I chose the wrong plan, the
mating pattern obnubilating my thought
process: 25...�b6! 26 �e3 �f6!.
April s Studies
24 f4!
The winning entry was from Andrew Lee of
As I said, this move never failed to show
Leicester. The solution:
up and this time it comes with a boom! ...he should have played 46...�g7 for his
24...�g4 25 cxd6 �xd6 26 �f3 �e7 27 wish to be granted.
�c5! �c8 28 e5 f5? 46...�h8? 47 f4!! 1-0
Martin Minski
After 28...�e6 29 h3 �h6 30 �e4 Black What else? Here Black resigned,
suffers from a sever case of  monochromy somewhat prematurely, although finishing
Original for WCBCSC, 2016
(weakness on one colour complex). I like this with f4, Granda s apparent trademark for the
term  I m trying to bring it back! tournament, is all the more poetic. A possible
29 �d4 g5!? 30 h3 �h6? continuation could have been 47...�g7 48 f5!
Now White s initiative will be gxf5 49 exf5 �xf5 and here the beautiful
overwhelming. A better practical choice and effective 50 �xh7+!! �xh7 51 �xh7+
would have been to sacrifice a piece in the �xh7 52 �e4 �g6 53 �h2. It s good to
hope of exchanging White s last pawns, notice that Black s pieces will need a few
making it difficult if not impossible for him to moves to even pretend to be doing something.
convert his material advantage. After
30...gxf4 31 gxf4 �xe5 32 fxe5 �xe5 of Leading Scores: 1 Julio Granda Zuniga (PER)
course we are still a long way from that goal 8�/9, 2-8 Romain Edouard (FRA), Aleksandr
and White would win this 99% of the time. Rakhmanov (RUS), Misa Pap (SRB), Allan Stig
31 �a7! gxf4 32 �xc6 �g5 33 gxf4 Rasmussen (DEN), Felix Levin, Frank Bracker
�g6 34 �xd8 �xd8 35 �a8 1-0 (both GER), Sergey Fedorchuk (UKR) 7, 9-12
Everything looks easy when Granda is on song. Karen Movszizian (ARM), Bjorn Moller
Oschner (DEN), Lawrence Trent (ENG),
White to play and win
Adrien Demuth (FRA) 6�.
J.Granda Zuniga-M.Hoffmann
Llucmajor Open 2016 1 �b6+!
Solutions to Test Yourself
1 g8�? �xa8! 2 �f7+ (Black even wins
after 2 �xg2?? �h8+ and draws if 2 �xa8
41...�b5! (the game went 41...�b5?? 42 c4
g1�) 2 �d6 3 �g6+ �c5 4 �h6 �a2 is just
�d2+ 43 �c1 �d4 44 �xd2 �xc6 45 b4!,
a draw.
winning) 42 a7 (if 42 �xc3 �c5+! or 42 �d4
�c5!) 42...�a4+ and the knight is heading to
1...�c7 2 g8� now leads to a win.
b6. Black has just avoided the angel of Death by
2 �c4+!
a iota and it is now White who needs to find
The right path. 2 �c8+? �e5! 3 g8�
defensive resources.
�h7+! 4 �xh7 g1� and 2 g8�? �h7+! 3
�xh7 g1� enable Black to save the day.
Herraiz Hildalgo-Strugnell
2...�c5 3 g8��h7+
17 �g3 (17 �f2? would be bad; the best is
Allowing White to reveal his main idea, but
now 17...�c8!, compromising White s pawn
also if 3...�a8 4 �xa8 g1� 5 �a7+.
structure next move, and if 18 g4?! h5! 19 gxh5?
4 �xh7 g1� 5 �a7+
�xh5; 17...�h5 is also not without interest,
And there goes the black queen.
and if 18 �e3 f5!, while in the analysis room
we stumbled on 18 g3 �c8 19 �g2?? �xh3+
� � � � � � � � �
38 �g4! �d7 39 �h2 �bf8 40 �g2?! 20 �xh3 �hf4+ 21 gxf4 �xf4+ 22 �g3
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