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floor, shivering in her thin sheath dress and heels. She wrapped her arms tightly around
her and rocked back and forth, finally letting the tears that she had been holding back
merge with the streaks of rain across her face.
* * * * *
Tobey pushed his Ferrari as hard as it would go on the farm roads outside of
Saratoga. On a night like this, where the hail was as big as his fist, everyone else had the
sense to keep off the roads. Which suited Tobey just fine as he watched his speedometer
inch past eighty, then ninety, then one hundred. He drove like a madman, heedless of
his own safety, until finally he skidded to a stop, narrowly missing both a large deer
and a deep ditch.
His heart was pounding in his chest.  No, he cried in the car, the sound harsh and
wild, like an animal that has lost its mate. Laughing bitterly at what a fool he had been,
not once but twice, he gripped the wheel tightly and skidded back onto the road,
Bella Andre
heading for home. He was going to drown his sorrow in anything other than tequila
Tobey was never going to drink tequila again, all it did was remind him of Callie s taste,
of Callie s treachery and then he was going to take care of something he had been
putting off for too long.
He was going to shut down Sweet Returns.
What did he need with true love and a job he loved anyway, he asked himself.
All they d ever done was cause him trouble.
Tobey came to a screeching halt in front of his loft and flew out of his car, unable to
believe what he was seeing. Callie was curled up like a sick child on his front steps, her
eyes clenched tightly shut to keep out the rain, her bare skin full of red welts from the
His anger forgotten in his fear, Tobey ran to her and picked her up in his arms.
Murmuring sounds of comfort into her hair, trying desperately to warm her with his
heat, he fumbled with the lock in the door. Finally managing to get it open he hurried
inside and kicked the door shut.
 I m so cold, Tobey. So cold, Callie said through the loud clacking of her teeth.
Goosebumps covered her skin and Tobey hugged her tighter to him.
 I m going to run a hot bath for you, sweetheart, he said, flinching as the
endearment slipped from his lips. Nonetheless he felt compelled to comfort her.  Once I
take these wet clothes off of you, I promise you ll feel better.
Callie didn t say anything, she just shivered and looked up into his eyes as if she
was trying to tell him something important. But Tobey couldn t let himself think about
anything other than getting Callie warm. Otherwise he would have to face anger and
pain and hurt so strong he thought he might never laugh or smile again.
Sitting on the wide rim of his large whirlpool tub, still cradling Callie in his lap, he
leaned over and turned the knobs until steaming water was pouring into the tub.
Quickly he stripped her dress off and as he undid the clasp of her bra and slid it from
her shoulders, he tried not to notice that her breasts were tight and her nipples were
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hard buds from the cold. He stripped her panties from her legs and forced himself to
ignore the pull her mons had on him, to ignore how much he wanted to bury his face
between her lips and taste her one more time to memorize her before he let her go
Gently, Tobey lowered Callie into the tub. His hand brushed the soft mound of her
breasts and he heard her gasp. Knowing it was wrong, hating himself for being so out
of control, Tobey leaned into her and took one of her nipples in his mouth, suckling
hard, wanting to punish and pleasure her in equal parts. Callie arched up into his
mouth, and threaded her fingers behind his head.
With a groan that hid none of his anger at himself or at her, he pulled away from
her and ripped off his own wet clothes. Callie reached her arms up to him and within
seconds he was naked and between her legs and pumping into her.
 I love you, Tobey, she cried as her wet, slick canal throbbed around his cock.
Tobey tried to block out her words. He tried to concentrate on the wet warmth that
encased his penis, her huge, perfect breasts rubbing against his chest, her round ass in
his hands as he pounded in and out of her. But even as he tried to use her for his
pleasure, he couldn t escape the truth.
Cupping her cheeks with his hands, Tobey stilled.  I love you, he whispered.  I
love you, he said again and then thrust into her hard. In the space of one heartbeat,
they both came apart. After the madness had subsided, the water sloshed around them
in the tub and Tobey pulled away from Callie.
 Don t leave me again, she said.  We need to talk.
Tobey stood up and water poured off of him into the tub.  Fine, he said, trying to
rouse his anger at Callie again.  Talk. He grabbed a towel and roughly dried himself
Callie stood up too and grabbed a towel.  Why did you leave the restaurant like
Tobey answered her question with a question.  Why did you lie to me?
Bella Andre
Callie sat heavily on the rim off the tub.  I ve never lied to you.
 Bullshit, Tobey said, his eyes flashing dangerously.  I saw the way you were
fawning all over my brother. His voice grew high pitched as he imitated her.  Your job
sounds really exciting and important. Tobey snarled then resumed his parody.  Wow,
I didn t know accountants made so much money.
Callie gasped in outrage.  How dare you make me sound like, like& like such a
money-grubbing bitch.
Tobey grabbed her by the shoulders, forcing her to stand face to face with him.
 Isn t that what you are? Haven t you just been playing at being the nice little candy
maker, pretending you wanted me to live my dreams, when all along you just wanted
money. And power. Just like Gina.
Callie s fighting stance fell away.  Gina? Who s Gina? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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