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up like a man and look at me.
up like a man and look at me.
Eric stood. He raised his head too. He didn t look at Cale.
Cale couldn t take it anymore. In the open-structured craft, there
was nowhere to go to be alone but the head. He stood in the
shower, his hands braced on the sink, sucking in air. His body
shook until he sat on the commode to keep his legs from
collapsing. It took him ten minutes to get himself back under
 I m sorry, he said as soon as he stepped back out.  I
shouldn t have lost my temper.
In the exact same place as he d left him, Eric made no
response. He probably didn t know how to respond. In all his
training, getting an apology for being raved at didn t seem likely.
 Go sit down in the chair and wait for your dinner.
Obeying, sitting in the chair, bowed over until his head
nearly touched his knees was not what Cale had in mind. He let
it pass. He d screwed up enough for one day. He pulled the
food out of the heater, tossed it on plates, and carried them to
the chairs.  Eat.
Cale didn t tell him to sit up straight. Cale slid the plate onto
Eric s legs, under his nose, and sat down next to him.  I don t
know how much you understand or if you ll remember what I
say. Right about now I don t know much of anything. I
overreacted. The whole D/s thing drives me crazy. My brother,
he, ah, he was in a D/s relationship. I ve spent nearly my entire
adult life fighting for the rights of others to be free and when I
saw how saw the way he lived, I didn t understand. Even now
my head tells me a dominant relationship is voluntary,
my head tells me a dominant relationship is voluntary,
consensual, but my emotions still see it as a loss of will.
He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Eric ate
steadily with no indication he heard or listened. Cale wasn t too
interested in his own food.
 We fought about it. I wanted to save him from a man I
believed was abusing him. The man was older. My brother was
only seventeen. They went to the clubs a lot, did scenes, that
kind of thing. He wore a collar when they went out. He said it
didn t mean anything more than he belonged to him. Belonged
was the word that made me crazy. No one human being should
own another. I learned the difference when a club they were at
was raided. The slavers had the idea someone already trained as
a submissive would be easier to sell. They didn t stop to
consider love. I hadn t stopped to consider love. My brother s
Dom was killed trying to protect him because he loved him. My
brother was his submissive because he loved his Dom. He didn t
love the man they sold him to. The man who bought him wasn t a
Dom. He was a sadistic bastard like Lev Tro. My brother
wouldn t submit to his owner and was dead before I could find
He smiled grimly.  I know that lifestyle wasn t what killed
him. I know it, but that s only logic. I can t tolerate it.
All of Eric s movement stopped with the last bite off his
plate. He sat, hands holding the plate, waiting.
 I m tired, Eric. I m going to lie down, and I don t want
you to disturb me. He took his full plate and Eric s empty one,
dumping both. He had probably just ripped his heart out for
* * * *
He hadn t been disturbed. He woke up even feeling like he
could handle Eric again. The thought lasted until he saw Eric
slumped over in the chair asleep. Damn it! He d never thought to
tell him to lie down when he got tired. Cale s light touch on
Eric s shoulder startled him. He shot straight to his feet and then
dropped to his knees.
Taking a deep breath first to control his temper, Cale told
him as calmly as possible,  Sit on the chair. Cale started back
to the galley, schooling himself not to show his reaction to a man
on his knees in front of him.  Do you need to relieve yourself?
The full-fledged nod he got in answer was some
 Go on in. Do whatever you need to do. Take a shower if
you want to.
Preparing the food packs and heating them took all of two
minutes. Cale left Eric s on the counter and carried his to the
pilot s chair. Eric came out a few minutes later, stark naked,
which Cale should have anticipated.
 Take your plate and come sit down, he told him, eyes on
his plate to avoid the view. Scarred or not, Eric had a beautiful
body, and even soft, he had an impressive-sized cock. Not that
Cale hadn t noticed both those things before. He would never
lose his appreciation of the sight. Neither, it seemed, would his
lose his appreciation of the sight. Neither, it seemed, would his
cock. He d have been happier if Eric had been covered when he
sat down with his plate balanced on his thighs.
 There are fresh jumpsuits in the middle compartment. You
can dress when you finish.
Eric s head wobbled in a battle before it shook to the side.
 No? A smile creased Cale s face.  You re telling me
One finger stretched out from where it held to the plate,
pointing at Cale. A point at him while refusing clothes could
mean about anything, but Cale had a pretty good idea it only
meant one thing coming from Eric.  I m not angry with you. You
don t have to appease me. Eric pointed again, putting Cale in a
dilemma yet again. Sex was withheld for punishment. Sex was
given as a reward. If he refused, Eric would think he was being
punished. If he accepted, he d think he was being rewarded,
keeping him in the D/s mind frame.  After we eat. He smiled
again when Eric nodded. Reward for any reason was better than
the punishment he d already suffered. When Eric s mind cleared,
pleasure was what Cale wanted him to remember, and he wasn t
going to worry if he was rationalizing just to have sex with him.
Chapter Four
 You could not have parked closer? Selh complained,
huffing as he trudged up the gangplank.
With a case hanging from his neck in front, a backpack
reaching from the top of his head to his butt, another large case
in one hand and two smaller cases in the other, he had reason to
 Was it necessary to bring so much? Cale countered,
taking the large case from Selh s hand.
 Was I to take a galaxy tour without being prepared? Selh
shifted the two smaller cases, one to each hand.  They were
watching me, you know.
 Still? Cale led the way inside, going straight to the storage
Selh answered while they stored his cases, doing a bit of
shoving to make them all fit. They could not take off with loose
items capable of becoming missiles in flight.  It is hoped they still
watch the front while I lowered my precious belongings out the
window in the back, hoping I did not kill or injure myself in
following. The large case, by the way, is filled with your clothes,
for the two of you. I didn t think you d think to bring enough for
Only after the compartments were securely closed did Selh
look at Eric, strapped down in a berth.  How is he?
look at Eric, strapped down in a berth.  How is he?
 Virile, Cale answered, taking the pilot s chair, lowering
himself gingerly. His ass and insides felt bruised and his cock
raw. He would not say how many times or the variety of
positions he had found himself in during the last five days. Eric s
education in providing variation ranged from begging to
threatening actual harm.
 So you must restrain him? Selh asked in a tease, taking
the seat beside him.
Cale lifted off from the air dock.  As I fear he perceives
restraint as punishment, I attempt to limit it, but when there is no
other answer, I do so. As you are a not a voyeur or homosexual,
I fear this is going to be an uncomfortable journey for you in so
restricted a space. I have identified triggers for some behavior,
but unfortunately, simply being in his presence is all it takes the
majority of the time. The king could not have been with him
around the clock as I have been or they both would have died
from exhaustion. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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