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libertarianism can lead to almost as anti-U.S. a position as left-wing libertarianism does.
And a strain of isolationism has always been endemic in the American right."
This passage symbolizes how deeply the whole thrust of the right wing has changed in
the last two decades. Vestigial interest in liberty or in opposition to war and imperialism
are now considered deviations to be stamped out without delay. There are millions of
Americans, I am convinced, who are still devoted to individual liberty and opposition to
the leviathan state at home and abroad, Americans who call themselves "conservatives"
but feel that something has gone very wrong with the old anti-New Deal and anti-Fair
Deal cause.
Something has gone wrong: the right wing has been captured and transformed by elitists
and devotees of the European conservative ideals of order and militarism, by witch
hunters and global crusaders, by statists who wish to coerce "morality" and suppress
America was born in a revolution against Western imperialism, born as a haven of
freedom against the tyrannies and despotism, the wars and intrigues of the old world. Yet
we have allowed ourselves to sacrifice the American ideals of peace and freedom and
anti-colonialism on the altar of a crusade to kill communists throughout the world; we
have surrendered our libertarian birthright into the hands of those who yearn to restore
the Golden Age of the Holy Inquisition. It is about time that we wake up and rise up to
restore our heritage.
Murray N. Rothbard (1926 1995) was teaching at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute when
this article was written.
Source: http://www.mises.org/daily/1842
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