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 I wonder if they d come here? Or go straight to Tahn Ror?
 Tahn Ror, if they re smart. Naciq will kill them if they show their faces here.
Low on the horizon, a large disc shone brightly against the black sky. She knew her father was there.  Which is where
I should be.
 Soon, Dena, ShallaMai said, following her gaze.  Bright, isn t it? Between the binary stars and Tahn Ror, Nevdha s
night and day are so irregular that the dome over Rheno is programmed to fake a standard day.
 Nevdha doesn t have a significant atmosphere. Oh, we re in luck, ShallaMai said as Rheno came into view.  It is
naturally dark. When the dome is clear,  The Biggest Little City in the Galaxy is at its best.
A huge, shining dome sitting in the middle of a wide valley, the city reminded Dena of the snow globe she d
purchased on Rheno. Beneath the protective canopy, each building was brilliantly lit to match the moon s colors. From
the way the surface of the dome sparkled, Dena could tell there must be something spectacular going on at the center
of the city.
While they hovered near the edge of the bubble and waited to be cleared for landing, ShallaMai showed her how she
could help dock the space taxi. When their turn came, Dena was able to keep the Nav s cameras angled so that
ShallaMai could land safely.
The upset pilot was locked in a berth. So far, they d ignored his threats except to explain he would be paid handsomely
if he would shut up. He didn t seem to care.
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Starlit Destiny
 We need to be long gone before the pilot attracts attention, ShallaMai said impatiently as the man started making a
lot of racket.
While they waited for the airlock to shut and breathable air to refill the docking bay, Dena watched as ShallaMai s hair
turn back to the original white.  When I want to be identified, this is how I present myself on Rheno. It s my natural
As they finally left the ship, crowds of people were waiting to pass through a security station. Dena followed
ShallaMai, who was allowed to walk through unquestioned. Apparently, she d wanted to be identified. Why? Dena
As they entered the greenish glow of the city, ShallaMai s translucent hair did reflect the green-blue light. But those
colors didn t make her look ill. Dena decided that ShallaMai wouldn t look horrible if she rolled around in mud.
ShallaMai raised her hand and motioned for a small, open vehicle that hovered over the ground. Dena jumped in
beside her as she told the driver their destination.  Centare Mall.
It didn t take long before they arrived at a large rectangular area in the center of Rheno and exited the vehicle.
ShallaMai walked next to her, giving her a full tour of the Centare Mall, describing the architecture in technical terms.
But to Dena, it was the artistry that captured her soul, overwhelming her with grandeur. Besides the floodlights that lit
the face of each building in varying shades of greens and blues, every building also had a uniquely designed display of
colorful flashing lights.  Whoever built this city had an ability to create beauty that speaks for itself.
ShallaMai was smiling, her eyes shining and full of pride.  The creators wanted this place to showcase the different
cultures and worlds within the Federation.
Dena s view of life off Lyask was definitely skewed. She d have to stop categorizing everyone as star pirates and
begin to figure out who the different races and species were. All this artwork around her came from cultures she knew
nothing about. She did have a lot to learn.
 What kind of businesses are these? Dena asked.
 Rheno caters to tourism. People travel here for leisure, gambling, entertainment, shopping, and on and on.
 On Lyask, we never travel without a purpose, and we don t waste resources.
 Like that silly plastic ornament? ShallaMai asked, her teasing good-natured.
 It is magical!
 In some form or another, everything is magical. You should know that. Come now, this is where I live.
It wasn t the tallest of the buildings, but was easily as tall as any creeper on Lyask. The name  Orion s Dominion was
sprawled over the main entrance in a huge swooping arc. Surrounding the sign was an amazing array of stars and
planets in purples and blues.
Dena craned her neck and watched a gigantic spherical viewscreen rotating at the building s pinnacle. A red glow
surrounded the globe; fire jumped at her as volcanoes erupted. The image had to be one of the volcanic moons of
Creghnot.  Krys told me about that place. He s right. It is lovely.
ShallaMai followed her gaze.  That is one of the more popular attractions. Every ten minutes a computer randomly
generates a hologram from a database of hundreds of actual celestial objects. I know you ll enjoy New Saturn and
Dena smiled, thinking how ShallaMai and Jaret would have plenty to talk about. From the tour she was receiving, she
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Starlit Destiny
decided that ShallaMai loved details as much as Jaret.  You live here?
 Yes, ShallaMai said, her eyes sweeping the Centare Mall.
 Then this is the family business. Dena looked at ShallaMai, seeing her new friend in a new light.  You designed this
city. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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