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When it s not garbage is when a salesperson comes along and says,  What do you think about what I m
saying so far? The person sits back, crosses their legs and arms and says,  Hmm, I don t know, I don t think I m
that interested. And in your mind, you link that behavior with  not interested. If it s written in a book and they
say that equals  not interested, it s not true straight across the board. It just isn t.
There are many other, more accurate methods. The fact is, it's not necessarily easy to practice, and simply
memorizing a bunch of things isn t going to get you very far.
I learned all that stuff really well when I first started selling. And then I figured out that all these different
signs mean things. And the biggest ones I used were the crossing-your-legs-sitting-back means you re not
interested, and the touching-your-chin-stroking-your-chin-somehow-especially-in-a-man, supposedly meant they
were ready to buy. I would see the sign and go,  Oh, good, great, then you re ready to get started? The guy
goes,  No, I m not really ready to get started. I thought,  What s wrong? Maybe I m not asking it right. So I
started changing the way I d close when I d see that sign. I d say,  Have I told you enough now to get you
started?  No, they d respond.
I think at least five times in a row I asked this question and I got told no. I said,  Phooey with this rule.
There s got to be something better in terms of prediction. And there is. What it boils down to is, you have to use
your awareness to watch what they re doing.
The last thing you have to do is step three: You have to change what you re doing if what you re doing isn t
working. Which brings us right back to the main point, and the main point is: How do you go about the process
of selling in a step-by-step way without being step-by-step?
In other words, the Dale Carnegie system of attention-interest-conviction-desire-close. That s been around
since, what? 1922? It s been around forever. And back then, that was as persuasive as you could get. That was
state of the art. Attention...you had to get someone s attention.
Well, that makes sense. If I can t get you to listen to me, then I m not going to get very far. Back then, they
realized that if you don t have someone s attention, you can t proceed along the sale. Suffice it to say, most of the
time, if you re sitting in front of me and I say,  Larry, how are you doing today? And you say,  Great, then I
probably have your attention. Maybe not as much as I want, but I probably have your attention.
Back when I was 17 and I went to the Dale Carnegie course, my instructor would say things like:  Larry, you
know, the thing that happens today is...people have these great ideas. They re like balloons that get blown up and
someone comes along with a pin and sticks the stupid thing and it s out the window. I want to show you how our
program isn t like that. The instructor pulls out a balloon, and ceremoniously stretches it, blows it up, takes a
piece of tape, and sticks it over the balloon. He says:  Larry, in our program, nobody will make holes in your
balloons and pop them. And takes a pin and jabs the balloon in the tape. And the tape keeps the balloon from
popping. And Larry goes,  Whoooaa!
I dare you. You go try that nowadays. They ll probably laugh you out of the office. I do believe in getting
people s attention, and I do believe in showmanship.
But these kinds of things, I think, are somewhat outdated. I think they re somewhat offensive to a lot of
people. I think that a lot of times you can t really get away with that. I don t know if Dale Carnegie is still
teaching that, but I know the basic system of attention-interest-conviction-desire-close is absolutely real.
However, let me show you a faster way.
Again, I m not against showmanship...but I am for controlling the emotional state in a prospect. If I m selling
to you and you re experiencing doubt, skepticism  that s intimidating to a lot of people who are selling.
One of the ways to get past this is to preempt it. Do something that elicits in them such strong feelings of
being convinced, such powerful thoughts, that what you have is what they want. They ll go right along with what
you have to say.
In other words, Dale Carnegie just reverses the process. He says that if you feel convinced, you will feel
desire. I say that s absolutely wrong. If you feel desire, you will be convinced.
So you have to get your potential customers to have the emotional desire first. This is not new technology.
Everyone is taught that a sale comes from the emotion first and is backed up logically. I can take the most logical
person and show him how even his decisions are really started emotionally.
The words I like to use for this are  invisible persuasion, or in an even more technical term,
 psycholinguistics. But this really is psycholinguistics: The entry is through psychology, the emotions, through
the mind. And that entry is in the form of words. The way you use your words is the way people perceive you.
One of the basic rules is that the results I m getting from you as I m talking are what my words mean. If you re
excited, the meaning of what I m saying to you is  excitement. If you re happy, the meaning is  happiness. If
you re not impressed, the meaning is  not impressed. But whatever it is, if I identify it, I can begin to change it,
if I so choose. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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