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didn t care what Michael might be. Only that he give her more. Make her scream.
Full force, her dreams flooded her memory featuring Michael and his too-long
teeth. Still, she wasn t the least bit afraid. Instead, the yearning in her bones increased
tenfold until she wanted so badly to be one with him she was willing to do anything,
everything. As he lowered his head and sucked the sensitive spot between neck and
shoulder, her whole body spasmed. The spring of her desire tightened around the
nerves in her lower back and squeezed. The tickle-ache fluttered down the back of her
thighs, and at the same time streaked up through her belly to spread like liquid ice-fire
through her chest. Oh god, she was going to explode.
She came apart in his arms, her womb pulsing, eager for his cream. And still he
moved inside of her, rode her through it, only to throw her into another round of soul-
rending orgasm. But she needed more.
 Aaah! Michael, come for me& bite me, she pleaded.
 Not this time, baby. But soon.
She almost cried at his answer, but she was too busy screaming as she came again.
TJ Michaels
Chapter Four
Melaniece woke with a yawn. A good stretch revealed deliciously sore muscles that
wouldn t mind another workout. She rolled over expecting to make contact with a solid
chest and warm male flesh, but her fingers met nothing but cooling rumpled sheets.
Sheets that smelled of hot sex and scrumptious male.
Wow, he d put a serious loving down on her! She couldn t recall ever wanting to be
taken so desperately. Nor had she ever been so stuffed full of hard throbbing cock only
to want to be filled some more. Just the thought of that wild romp brought all the
wonderful emotions rolling back up to the forefront of her mind. And her body eagerly
responded. Good god, this was crazy.
And where was Michael?
She tried to click on a lamp. Damn, still no power. One glance at the portable clock
on the nightstand made her wish for a battery operated coffee maker. Her stomach
immediately reminded her that the man she d spent the morning loving had cooked her
breakfast earlier. They d just never gotten around to eating it.
Quickly showered and back in her lounge suit, Melaniece strode into the front
rooms. Damn it, there he was again in her kitchen with nothing but a pair of dark blue
lounge pants. What was he thinking by showing all that delicious cream-colored skin
and those fabulous piles of muscle? How the hell was she supposed to form a coherent
sentence with his biceps flexing with such simple tasks as spreading peanut butter on a
piece of bread, or his back muscles bunching as he pulled the refrigerator door open to
retrieve the jam?
Good god, she was turning into a total nympho.
Before she could open her mouth, he turned and she practically drooled as his left
pec danced before her eyes when he set a plate on the counter in front of her.
Gift Wrap Optional
 Mel, you all right?
 Uh, yeah, sure. Great. Food.
He chuckled, following her line of sight to the rippling abs marching down his
torso.  You like? he asked, striking a Herculean pose.
 Oh, yeah, she whispered.  I definitely like. But she made no move to touch her
food. He smiled. It lit up the room.
 Huh? Oh, god, she sounded like a halfwit. Who cared? Intelligence was overrated
 Breakfast, sweetheart. Late, but definitely worth it.
 Come on, woman, he sighed hopelessly, a thick erection beginning to rise to greet
her.  You keep looking at me like that and you won t eat again until dinner.
Neither of them spoke during their meal. After eating the best peanut butter and
jam sandwich she d ever had, fresh-cut apples sprinkled with cinnamon and a small
glass of cold milk, Melaniece rose from the breakfast table, took both their plates to the
kitchen and placed them in the sink. Making a beeline for the spacious living room, she
stretched out in her favorite spot on the rug in front of the fireplace, glad Michael had
thought to stoke the flames earlier. She tossed a couple of heavy oak pieces into the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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