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wearing off and I want to make it to my bed before I collapse."
Medac watched her go, men sighed, turned, and walked back by a different route
to the living quarters. As he expected, his father and the Director were in
the study, talking animatedly over cigars and coffee. They both looked up when
the winged man entered.
"Ah, Medac! Come, relax and join us/' the Duke invited. "I want your input on
this. First, has there been any sign of this Boday or her friend?"
"Not really. The rebel band that was ambushed and massacred just east of here
shows that a strong band of marauders was in the area about the same time. The
two women did not turn in here, which suggests that they were tracking the
rebels, either out of fear that their companions had been taken or out of some
sense of bravado that perhaps they could get back their horses and belongings.
Two naked, defenseless women definitely did not do that to the rebels, and
there were signs of a considerable number in the attacking band. There were no
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0-%20Riders%20of%20the%20Winds.txt bodies found, and they did not double back,
and they did not meet our own patrol coming from downriver. The inescapable
conclusion is that the same band that hit the rebels captured them. They are
probably not dead, but are almost certainly beyond caring by now."
The Duke nodded. "I feared as much. Any luck on identifying the band? I do not
like anyone operating independently this close to our lands here, although
they appear to have only hit the rebels and not anything or anyone of ours.
That implies at least partly a political act."
"Yes, but that's probably why I can pick up nothing of importance. Oh, I have
a few details. Tracking down the horses and the booty was not difficult, but
it was already through many hands and they were very closedmouthed about it.
They had hoped, I think, to get away without paying our 'tax,' as it were."
"I also don't like any of Klittichorn's hordes in my canyon without my
knowledge or permission," the Duke growled. "They had a small army in the
region. Still do, I suspect. Brazen bastards."
"They are beginning to move off and away now," Medac told him. "You know, I
wonder if there isn't a connection there. They put out the word that they
would pay a tremendous sum to anyone who brought them a slender young woman
with a superficial resemblance to the Storm Princess. Do you suppose that
perhaps this
Susama's young friend might have been that one? If so, we know what's happened
to them."
The Director stirred for the first time. "Interesting. Your Grace, that might
explain a lot. A double. A living duplicate of the Storm Princess, perhaps an
exact duplicate, born and raised on another world. Somebody like Boolean, who
has been crying for years about Klittichorn's threat, might go after such a
one in order to make a switch or train her as a combatant. Those powers are
And the great storm that did in the train but also did in the raiders it might
The Duke scratched his chin. "And this Susama?"
"Obviously a friend, probably sucked along when Klit-tichorn or Boolean or
whoever opened a hole and dropped the double down. That would explain the
interest around here, all the events, and even why an Akhbreed sorcerer would
be interested in them and give them language and a curse."
"But it was Susama who was cursed, not the other," Medac pointed out.
"Yes, sir, but who knows what powers, what resistance she might have? But if
she were loyal to her friend, then curse the friend."
The Duke sat back and sighed. "Logical. And the fact that Klittichorn's men
are now withdrawing from the area can have but one meaning. And that means
Susama is most certainly alone and stuck here. She'd have no chance of even
getting that curse removed now. She has no future, gentlemen. She's without
funds, has no family or tribe or anyone to fall back on, is bright but
illiterate and has no meaningful skills."
"She also has no self-esteem," the Director pointed out. "You could see that
by how she presents and carries herself. She'll wind up desolate, alone I'd
say there is a better than ninety percent chance that she would do away with
"I don't believe there is any reason or mercy in waiting," the Duke said.
"Even if her friend should somehow miraculously come into our hands we would
have different uses for her than merely a reunion with a friend. You have our
permission to incorporate them into the refugee program immediately."
"I will set it up for tomorrow morning, Your Grace," the Director replied.
The Duke looked over at his son, who seemed to have a disapproving look on his
face. "You still have bad feelings about this. Consider, my son if we left it
up to her she would refuse and cling to a fantasy, a dream. She is someone
truly without hope or future and she is insisting on jumping into an abyss.
Would you gain her permission before you saved her from jumping?"
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Medac sighed. "I see your point, Father. It's just, well, she was different
and likeable. Totally without any reaction to me or Mother or any of the
others except curiosity."
"And that will not change. That is the nature of this place."
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When she first awoke she had, quite literally, no memories at all, nor any
direct means of thought, although she was curious and aware, as a small baby
might be aware. Then they began talking to her, not as before but in the
peasant vulgar dialect of Mashtopol Akhbreed speech. As she heard each word
and phrase and thought she understood it, as if it were being written
indelibly inside her mind, and within a few hours she could think quite
clearly in the Akhbreed tongue.
She lapped up everything they told her like a sponge, accepting it
unquestioningly at face value. They had found her wandering lost and alone out
in the dangerous, hot, endless desert and had taken her in. She was now a part
of a great community under the leadership of Her Lord the Duke, who was kind
and wise and provided all things for everyone that they would ever need or
All the people worked for the common good, and each had a vital role in
keeping everything going. Each had a function which, when added to everyone
else's functions, created a common, just society in which all were absolutely
All products of the community were given to the Duke, the wisest and most
just, who then redistributed them so that all received according to their
Beyond the community was only desolation, danger, and death. The Duke
protected the community from it, and kept it safe. The community was a loving,
sharing family of which the Duke was the wise, kind, and all-powerful father.
All thoughts were towards the community's good; no one was above the good of
the whole, and no individual should ever put him or herself above or below the
group. All were brothers, all were sisters, and all were essential parts of an
integrated whole.
She wanted to belong; she wanted to find her place, her function, and to
contribute. She felt safe and secure within it, and wanted no part of anywhere
She was startled to find that she was a girl, although she would have been
equally startled to discover she was anything but. It was a strange face and
figure that stared back at her in the mirror, but she accepted it. Everyone
told her how cute she was, how her big breasts were so desirable, how lucky [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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