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Ver-ona. You brought the sail back to Earth by essentially fault-less
"So now our association ends. I trust you have profited by it." Henry Belt
nodded briefly to each of the five and limped off around the building.
The cadets looked after him. Culpepper reached in his pocket and brought forth
a pair of small metal objects which he displayed in his palm. "Recognize
"Hmf," said Lynch in a flat voice. "Bearings for the com-puter disks. The
original ones."
"I found them in the little spare parts tray. They weren't there before."
Von Gluck nodded. "The machinery always seemed to fail immediately after sail
check, as I recall."
Lynch drew in his breath with a sharp hiss. He turned, strode away. Ostrander
followed him. Culpepper shrugged.
To Verona he gave one of the bearings, to von Gluck the other. "For
souvenirs or medals. You fellows deserve them."
"Thanks, Ed," said von Gluck.
"Thanks," muttered Verona. "I'll make a stickpin of this thing."
The three, not able to look at each other, glanced up into the sky where the
first stars of twilight were appearing, then continued on into the building
where family and friends and sweethearts awaited them.
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