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afraid to enter his inner sanctum. This was his private space, the one spot he
was able to retreat to in the entire house without worry of intruders. It felt like
an invasion of privacy, her trying to sneak in.  You know what I was implying.
He tore off his skullcap and tossed it on the edge of the bed, then rested his
hands on narrow hips, his back to her. Her gaze dropped to his very fine
backside, gobbling up the delicious view with her eyes. The tension radiated off
of him in palpable waves. He seemed tortured, conflicted, and she could so
relate.  I m not going to push myself on you, he muttered.
 I m the one who pushed myself on you. She leaned against the doorway,
feeling infinitely stupid. The man just didn t get it.  But I guess you don t want
me. Is that it? Which is fine. I just& I guess I thought&  She hung her head,
sighing loudly. Her entire body deflated like a balloon.  I don t know what I
Shoving away from the doorframe, she turned, ready to slink off into her
bedroom where she could shut the door and nurse her self-inflicted wounds.
She d boldly followed him. After throwing a minor hissy fit over freaking
blueberry muffins, she d told him exactly what she wanted. The guy had a
reputation as a man whore and yet he had no interest in the woman he d
married. Granted, the marriage was fake. But still.
The knowledge hurt tremendously.
Strong fingers gripped her arm, whirling her around so she faced a very
pissed off, very edgy looking man. He pushed her against the wall, pinned her
there with both his hands pressing against her shoulders and she stared up at
him, her lips parting when she saw the anger and turmoil written all over his
handsome face.
 You think I don t want you. His breathing was accelerated, his chest rising
and falling at a rapid pace, brushing against hers, and she inhaled sharply
when he removed his hand from her shoulder, drifting his curved fingers down
the length of her throat so lightly she wondered if he d actually touched her at
all.  You re fucking killing me, Sheridan.
A shudder moved through her at his gentle touch, the feel of his fingers as
they curled around her chin and tilted her face up. He lowered his head, his
movements agonizingly slow, and she parted her lips, a trembling exhalation of
breath leaving her when his mouth brushed hers. Her knees wobbled,
threatened to buckle, and she slapped her hands against the wall, palms flat,
bracing herself so she wouldn t fall.
But Jared had her. His hand slid from her shoulder, along her side, to grip
her waist. His other hand cupped the side of her face, cradling her, his fingers
gentle as he continued to explore her mouth with soft, sweet kisses.
Oh, God. This was exactly what she wanted, what she needed. Jared s hands
on her, his mouth connected to hers. Their tongues touched, slid against each
other sensuously, and it was as if a spark ignited into full-blown flame. The kiss
turned deeper, his hard, hot body pressing her firmly against the wall, his hand
slipping beneath her T-shirt to touch bare skin.
She panted against his mouth when he broke the kiss, his lids lifting to reveal
those intense blue eyes, seeming to burn straight into her. Without a word, he
tilted his head, his mouth against her throat, licking a blazing path along her
delicate skin.
Sheridan opened her eyes to stare blindly at the ceiling. She wound her arm
around his neck, thrust her fingers into his soft, silky hair, holding him to her as
he licked and nibbled her neck. He lifted his head, sweeping into her, his
mouth taking hers in a downright primitive kiss, their mouths wide, their
tongues thrusting.
Boneless. Mindless. That s what his kiss, his hands did to her. She thunked
the back of her head against the wall, gasping when he hooked his hands
behind her thighs and lifted. She wrapped her legs around him, feeling the
hard, firm length of his erection push against her aching hot center, and she
moaned into his mouth. Wanting more, wanting all of him.
 Does that feel like I don t want you? he murmured against her lips.
She couldn t answer. It was as if her brain had shut down and she couldn t
form words. All she could do was feel. Jared, his hands on her, the taste of
him, the sensation of his big, hot body all over hers. A sharp, throbbing ache
rose deep within her, making her woozy.
Or maybe that was from Jared s mouth. Or his magical hands. She didn t
know. She couldn t think. She d never been that lost that fast. No man had
ever made her feel like that. Achy, needy, ready.
God, so ready& [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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