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him and I'll make sure the vampire clans show you the proper degree of appreciation."
She folded her arms over her ample chest.  What are you, a cop or something?"
"Or something. Now quit stalling and tell me what you know."
"Kalimus is no killer, but even if he were, I couldn't help you. Tina stood up.  He left town two weeks
ago, and as far as I know, he isn't coming back."
I could smell the lie the minute it rolled off her tongue, but I played along. If Tina thought I was buying
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her story, I could work it to my advantage.
"You wouldn't be stupid enough to yank my chain, would you?"
She rolled her eyes.  I told you what I know. Now piss off."
"Sure thing, doll. I stood up, extending one hand to cup her chin.  Thanks for your cooperation."
She shook my hand off, but not before I was able to send the magic barb shooting under her skin. As I'd
hoped, Tina never even noticed, just gave me a snort of disgust and walked out.
I watched her go with a smile of victory playing across my lips. All I had to do now was settle in and
* * * *
I figured Tina was too smart not to guess that I might follow her, so I waited two days before I tracked
the barb. It worked much the same way as a GPS system would. All I had to do was train my mind on it,
and the barb led me right to Tina's place.
It was a ratty tenement on the south side of the city. Not quite bad enough to be condemned, but not the
kind of shit hole you'd want your mama living in. I crept through the foyer, past a couple of bugged-out
crystal queens, to hide underneath the stairs. A second after I settled into position, the link between me
and the barb intensified, and I knew without having to look that Tina was right above me.
She headed out of the building and into the street. I called on a glamour spell to make myself look like
just another run-of-the-mill street rat, then followed her out.
We didn't go far. Tina was only a block past her building when she ducked down a back alley and
changed course for Alden Park.
Alden Park used to be a nice enough place, back when the city engineers were trying to attract young,
middle-class families to the area. Now it was nothing more than a meeting place for hookers and johns.
That, and crack heads. Can't forget the crack heads. I dodged a couple as I tailed Tina past a rusted
swing set to the copse of trees beyond.
Tina darted a quick glance around, then headed into the tree line. I shouldered behind a ramshackle
pavilion and waited. Just as I'd hoped, Tina came out a minute later with a tall figure in black robes.
It had to be Kalimus. What is it with vampires and those swirling cloaks, anyway? I shook my head and
crept to the edge of the pavilion, as close as I dared. They were still a good distance from me, but with
the help of the barb, I could just make out what they were saying.
"I'm telling you, Kal, it's too dangerous for you to go out tonight, Tina said.  What if Jenson's henchman
is waiting for you?"
"I'm sure he will be, but that doesn't erase my duty. The dark-clad man shook his head.  I won't have
another innocent die because of me."
I probably should have been surprised by Kalimus's declaration, but I wasn't. I'd had a feeling something
was off ever since I took this case. Either Kalimus knew I was there and was putting on a show for me,
or he was innocent. At this point, I had only one choice: follow the guy and see how it played out.
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Kalimus and Tina left Alden Park with me trailing a safe distance behind. We walked a good fourteen
blocks from there to a back alley on Grant Street.
The show had already started.
Two big-ass vamps were beating the shit out of a scrawny mortal. The guy was near unconscious
already. Dropping the glamour, I charged in as one of the vamps latched on to the guy's neck and started
draining him.
Kalimus and Tina beat me to the punch. I got to the middle of the alley just as Tina pulled a stake from
the waistband of her jeans. She went after the vamp holding down the mortal, leaving me to deal with the
other bastard.
My opponent was hardly intimidated. Unlike Tina, I had no weapon, so I'm guessing he didn't see me as
much of a threat. Casting me a fang-filled smile, the vamp beckoned me forward.  Bring it on, little
mortal. He licked his lips.  I'm going to enjoy this."
The vampire made two mistakes. His first was believing me to be a mere mortal. His second was
thinking me to be unarmed.
Most folks think there are only three ways to ice a vamp: stake to the heart, chop to the head, or direct
contact with sunlight. Me, though, I knew better. One of the best ways to dispatch a vamp is with fire,
and on that score I was more than ready. The bastard lunged for me, and I threw up my hands.
He probably mistook the gesture for surrender, but as I hurled a ball of blue flame the guy's way, he
realized he'd made a tactical error.
He turned to run, but it was too late. I watched with satisfaction as the fire engulfed him, leaving nothing
behind but a simmering pile of ash.
A feminine voice interrupted my victory gloat.  If you're done, I could use some help here."
I turned to see Tina struggling against her target. He had her pinned up against the wall, making it
impossible for her to stake him. Running across the alley, I grabbed the vamp and pulled him back, giving
Tina a clear shot. She drove the stake home, and the vamp fell to the ground, dead.
"Thanks. Tina stepped over the corpse.  I know we play for different sides, but I appreciate the save."
I shrugged.  I might be gay, but I never could pass up a damsel in distress."
"Not what I meant, she said.  About different sides, that is. I know who you are, and I know why
Jenson Macintosh sent you."
"Things aren't always what they seem. I looked back down the alley, to where Kalimus was tending the
injured mortal.  Think he needs our help?"
"No, Tina said.  Watch."
I stepped closer for a better look. Kalimus tipped the mortal's prone body back, then extracted one
muscled wrist from the sleeve of his robe. I couldn't see Kalimus's face, but as he raised his wrist to his
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mouth, I knew what he was doing. Sure enough, a second later Kalimus pressed his now bloody wrist to
the mortal's mouth and ordered him to drink.
Even unconscious, the mortal had no choice but to obey. He opened his mouth and drank as if his life
depended on it. Within minutes, the color returned to his cheeks. Kalimus waited until the guy was out of
danger, then rose to his feet.
"That should hold him until the medics get here, he said. His face, still shrouded by the hooded robe,
turned my way.  I assume you have a cell phone with you, Mr. Denton. If you'd be so kind as to call
I did as he asked, then slipped the phone back into my pocket.  We'd better get the hell out of Dodge.
They'll be here in ten minutes, tops."
Kalimus didn't move.  Before we go, it seems you and I have some business to discuss."
"I reckon we do, but I make it a habit never to talk business with a man unless I'm looking him in the
"That may prove to be more difficult than you think. Something akin to a chuckle sounded from the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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