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felt in his arms, just holding the little guy to his chest.
126 Lynn Hagen and Stormy Glenn
Remy s brows dropped into a frown as he thought of his mate out
there on his own, possibly forever. The bridge lights flickered as the
ship shook so hard his teeth rattled. Remy thought of the look on his
angel s face when he first discovered him in the cupboard. The proud
smile he wore when he cooked his first meal on the Lady Blue. They
had to survive this. Remy wasn t about to leave his mate in the cold
and dark universe alone.
 Hang on! Tank shouted as the ship hit the surface hard,
bounced, and then slid two miles along the sandy planes. When they
came to a full stop, Remy almost cried in relief. He wasted no time
unbuckling his belt and getting to his feet.
 Colt, you re with me. Crank, you and Blade go take care of that
blasting job. I want Tank and Livewire to get as many repairs done as
possible. The sooner we take care of everything, the sooner we can
get the hell out of here.
Remy stalked from the bridge and headed down to the weapons
room on the lower deck. He strapped himself with two phasers, three
squares of RK05s, and a few blades shoved into various sheaths. Colt
did the same before they jogged to the retractable ramp and walked
off of Lady Blue in search of his mate.
* * * *
Gigi shot his hands out in front of him to stop his face from hitting
the cement floor as he toppled over. The weight of the fuel cell on his
back propelled him forward after Drake had given him a hard shove.
The palms of Gigi s hands scraped across the unfinished concrete
as he bit back a cry. He cradled his burning and bleeding hands
against his chest. They were in some sort of private hangar. Drake s
ship was there, and it looked like it was undergoing some repairs. He
hoped the repairs needed were major. That would buy him some time.
 If you move one damn muscle, I ll shoot you and save myself the
hassle of chasing you down. You ve cost me enough already.
End of the Line 127
 Why? Gigi summoned the courage to ask.  Why did you come
across the galaxy to find me? I ve caused more trouble than I m
worth. I would think you d be glad to get rid of me.
Drake s face remained stoic, but Gigi caught a glimpse of surprise
in the bastard s eyes. His chuckle was low and menacing as he
squatted down in front of Gigi.  You really don t know, do you? Oh,
this is rich.
Gigi s temper flared as the bastard laughed at him.  Care to
enlighten me?
Being mated to Remy and being part of a real family must have
done more good than Gigi realized. Sure, he was scared out of his
mind, but his backbone seemed to be ramrod-straight. He had lived
alongside real men who fought with honor, and Gigi liked to think
that some of that had rubbed off on him. Either that or he had totally
 Boy, do you have any idea who you are? Any fucking clue
 As much as I like to tongue-spar, I d rather do it with someone
who has an ounce of intelligence. Gigi looked into Drake s soul-
sucking eyes as the man crossed the distance and dispensed an open-
handed slap across Gigi s face.
 I m getting really tired of you slapping me around, Drake. Gigi
wiped his hand across his mouth and then spit a small amount of
blood onto the ground. He ran his tongue along his teeth as he
smirked at the bastard.  Is that all you got?
 Why you little&  Drake raised his hand again.
Gigi lifted his chin in defiance, waiting for the next strike. He
wasn t into pain, but he wasn t going to let Drake know how
frightened he was either.
 You re a fucking Magi, you little shit. You re one of the rarest
breeds of your kind. Your blood can be traced back to fourth century
BC. You can read the stars and manipulate the fate that the stars
foretell. Your dumbass father wasn t even aware of this. Your mother
128 Lynn Hagen and Stormy Glenn
was the Magi that gave you your bloodline. Too bad she died giving
birth to you and took the secret with her. Drake stood and curled his
lip up at Gigi.  Your father sold you for a mere three hundred credits.
Tell me, Giovanni. How does it feel knowing your family didn t even
want you?
 Drake, I need you over here, someone shouted from the
direction of Drake s ship.
Drake narrowed his eyes on Gigi, pointing a cruel finger at him.  I
see what the hell you re doing, boy. It won t work. I need you in tip-
top shape for what I have planned for your runaway ass. I won t mar
your face, so stop with the flippant tongue.
Gigi growled at Drake before the bastard turned on his heels and
walked away, heading over to his ship. Gigi was stunned to learn who
he was. He wasn t so sure, though. Trusting what came out of Drake s
mouth was a toss of the credit. It could be true, or it could be a load of
shit. He pushed it out of his head for the time being. Gigi had more
pressing matters to think about.
Gigi leaned sideways and made sure no one was watching him as
he pulled the com link from his front pocket and pressed the button
for a connection. He slid it back into his pocket and then sat up
All he had to do was wait for one of the crew members to lock
onto his coordinates. In the meantime, Gigi lay back against the wall
of the hangar and prayed that his mate got to him in time before
Drake s ship was repaired and he was taken off of this planet.
* * * *
Remy hit his com link.  Remy.
 Commander, I just got a call from Gigi s com link, but he hasn t
said anything, Livewire reported in his ear.
End of the Line 129
 Lock onto his coordinates, and give them to me. Remy signaled
Colt to stop. They both waited in the streets of Beta Five as Livewire
locked onto to Gigi.
 Got him, Livewire said then he rattled off Gigi s coordinates.
 I ve entered his location into the computer, and it s telling me that
Gigi is in an old hangar approximately ten minutes from your
Remy tossed a few credits to a waiting shuttle driver as he and
Colt hopped on. He gave the driver the directions to where they were
 That s a bad part of town, the driver s scratchy voice warned
them.  I ll take you close, but then you re on your own.
 Just take me as close as you can. I ll walk from there. Remy
grunted as he sat back.
 Your neck, the driver said as he pulled away from the shuttle
 You think it s Drake? Colt asked as he looked out the side
Remy knew the hawk shifter was dealing with a lot of things right
now. Pax was Colt s mate, and the little blue guy was afraid to go
anywhere near him. Remy couldn t imagine being near Gigi and
unable to reach out and touch him.
Remy fisted his hands as he waited for the shuttle to get him close
to his mate. Whoever had him, and he had a feeling he knew, was
going to be breathing out of multiple holes in his body when he was
through with him. Remy was still ticked at Livewire for the stunt he
pulled, but he sort of understood the reasoning behind it.
Sort of.
Not really.
He wanted to strangle the guy.
 Here you go. Sorry, guys, but I m not going any further than this.
The place you want is right over that ridge. The driver pointed to a
130 Lynn Hagen and Stormy Glenn
low-rising ridge to the right of them.  Good luck, he said as if they
weren t coming back.
Remy and Colt climbed out of the small shuttle and headed
toward his mate. It took them about eight minutes to trek through the
hot sand and climb up the rocky ridge. Remy had lost his footing a
couple of times, but they finally made it to the top.
They lay low as Remy spotted the old hangar. It was rusty as hell
and had a few shingles missing. What was new was the spacecraft
sitting inside of it. Remy recognized it from his run-in the day before.
Remy growled low as he watched the mechanics working on the
ship. He couldn t assess how many people there were down there, but
at this point, he didn t really give a shit. His only objective was to get
his mate safely out and kill the bastard for taking Gigi from him. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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