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never achieve, claimed me.
The following morning, I woke up to the most
wonderful feeling on my neck. Evan was licking a
soft trail up to my ear, causing my whole body to
shiver and me to let out a soft moan. Rolling over,
I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him
lightly on the lips until he decided to take things a
step farther and crawled on top of me. We were
getting pretty heated when we heard the sound of
the back door closing, breaking the mood
 Was that Aunt Holly? I asked through my
lust-addled brain.  We better go see what s going
on. And just with those words, yesterday came
back at me like a sledge hammer. How could I
have possibly forgotten what happened to me the
last two days? My heart began to hurt with
renewed pain.
 It s okay, Kennedy. You re going to need
time. Evan eyed me with concern.
 How did you know?
 Just seconds ago, you were the guy I spent all
summer on the lake with, and now, you are the
Fireflies and Crickets
same guy but your eyes are telling a different
 Sounds similar.
 And different. Everyone is going to have to
give you time. We all know that and there s
nothing wrong with you taking all the time you
need. But if you ever want to talk about it, I m
 Okay, I might take you up on that offer.
Evan leaned in for a soft kiss on the lips.  I m
hoping you do and more than once. Come on, let s
go see what happened to Holly, and then, I m
taking you to breakfast.
We got up and dressed, attempting to comb
down the massive bed head we both had. Finally
giving up and not really caring who saw us, after
all it was summer break, we trekked down the
hallway to leave a note for Aunt Holly.
Except there was a note there already and a
Read this and share with the Evan Burglar so you
both are safe.
Aunt Holly
 What is it? I asked Evan who was eyeing the
cover, red faced in embarrassment.
 It s the book.
 What book? I had no clue what on earth he
was talking about.
Jackie Nacht
 Umm& here. He handed it over, nervously
laughing before he walked into the living room.
Real mature.
Glancing down, I saw it was the proverbial
birds and the bees book for gay boys. Now, I
flushed in embarrassment. Evan was still laughing
in the other room.  You can quit laughing right
 I m trying, when I get this embarrassed, all I
can do is laugh, usually. Just ask Beth. Evan came
back in and read the note Aunt Holly had written
and roared again.
 It s not that funny, I mumbled.
 It isn t. It s just I am never going to be able to
look Holly in the face again.
I shook my head and ran the book back into my
room before coming out, thankfully to a more
composed Evan.
 So&  Evan began to say, scratching his cheek.
 So? We walked together out the back door.
Evan s gaze roamed the scenery before he
mumbled,  You are going to let me borrow it
though, right? There was no laughter this time,
but he definitely didn t want to make eye contact
with me either.
Grabbing his hand, I led him down the road to
town.  Curious?
Fireflies and Crickets
 Then, I guess I can let you borrow it but no
promises. I chuckled.
Jackie Nacht
Chapter Seven
ight Weeks Later
 Kennedy! You ready to go, Aunt Holly
shouted from the kitchen.
Hands shaking with nerves, I grabbed my
backpack off the bed and made my way out of the
bedroom. Walking into the kitchen, I saw Beth and
Evan were already there waiting for me at the
table. Shifting my weight nervously, I didn t think
I was going to be able to stomach breakfast.
 C mon, we got to go or we re gonna be late for
school. Evan stood up while Aunt Holly handed
me a lunch and a cereal bar for breakfast.
 Thanks, Aunt Holly.
 You sure you don t want me to drop you off?
Aunt Holly fussed with unseen lint on my shirt.
The only reason I knew that was because I had
already done it a million times to myself that
 No, I m good with Beth and Evan.
Fireflies and Crickets
 Okay. I just need to borrow him for a
moment, Aunt Holly said to Evan as she pulled
me in the other room.  Don t forget about your
appointment after school today. I made it late
enough so you can try out for soccer.
I nodded. How could I forget? I had been going
to a therapist since Aunt Holly insisted I talk to
someone about my parents when I began to clam
up on everyone four weeks ago. For some reason,
I had a hard time talking to her about it, but I had
a little bit easier time discussing it with a stranger.
Four weeks ago, to my dismay, Drew and
Logan left for home. Drew still talked to me every
night, and when I began shutting down, he talked
to his mom, who talked to my aunt about how to
help me. She helped Aunt Holly research
therapists in the area and had us join a PFLAG
group. I was so pissed at first that everyone was
trying to handle me, but at the same time, I knew
they all cared. When I had my tough moments, I
had these people in my corner and that s what got
me through it.
For a moment, I just stared at Aunt Holly. There
were no words of gratitude I could ever express
for what she'd helped me through. She had been a
rock, going against her sister and taking me in like
I was her own son. The two of us were working
ourselves into a tight little family unit of our own
Jackie Nacht
Before I could stop myself, I said,  I want you
to sign them.
Aunt Holly gasped.  You do?
 Yes, I want you to have guardianship over me.
I know you ve been waiting for me to decide, and
this is what I want.
Aunt Holly grabbed me and hugged me with a
strength that took me by surprise for her tiny
frame.  I didn t want to pressure you.
 I know, but this feels& right. I leaned my face
down into her shoulder. True to her word, she had
been patient with me. With my parents not giving
a damn, Aunt Holly was concerned if anything
were to happen to me medically. My parents were
only too happy to hand me over legally to her, but
she had waited all these weeks for me to make a
decision about my future. I didn t mean to make
her wait. It was just that these papers were the
final tie that connected me to my parents.
Leaning back, I gave her a smile I actually felt
then walked back into the kitchen to grab my
friends. We left and got into Beth s compact car. I
was chosen to sit in the back since there was no
way Evan could tuck his long legs in the small
space. The school was too short of a drive for my
liking. As we got out of the car, students drove by
and others laughed as they walked up the steps
into the front of the school.
Fireflies and Crickets
My legs trembled as I stared at the imposing
building. High school had been nothing but hell so
far. I had no reason to believe it was going to be
any better here. Coming in my senior year was a
disaster, and these two were telling me to try out
for soccer after school today. Were they nuts? I felt
my hand being grasped and looked down to see
Evan holding it.
 Do you think that s a good idea? I squeaked
out. Sheesh, my voice hadn t been that high in a
couple years.
Beth put her arm around me.  It s gonna be just
fine, Kennedy. You have us.
She was right. My limbs steadied as my
boyfriend and friend walked me into my new
school. I had these two, and for me, that was
Jackie Nacht
pring Semester, Freshman Year in College
Waking up to the feel of warm lips nuzzling
my neck had become my favorite pastime since
having sleepovers with Evan in high school. It
always brought a smile to my face to think that
Evan and I were still together. He was the one for
I felt so fortunate to have found him at such a
young age. And just a couple months ago, Drew [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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