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conscious effort of the finite mind. This Fire, once
liberated, begins immediately to displace the sluggish
nervous force and to open and perfect those nerve centres
or minor brains atrophied from disuse which, when
regenerated, reveal to man super-physical states of
consciousness and knowledge of his lost sovereignty over
nature. The Solar force manifests on the physical plane by
passing through the ganglia of the sympathetic nervous
system and thence up the spine to the brain, where its
currents unite to build up the deathless Solar or Spiritual
body. In its passage from one ganglion to another, its
voltage is raised, and it awakens and is augmented by the
power peculiar to each
60 The Purpose of Yoga
ganglion which it dominates.
The reference to the sympathetic nervous system and the
ganglions completely tallies with my own experience, as
described in Kundalini. The conclusion is clear. The
experience I have lived through is the guarded secret of
the occult traditions of the world. The divine mechanism
of Kundalini has been known from time immemorial, at
least, as far back as predynastic Egypt and manipulated to
grant hidden knowledge of nature, now accessible in the
normal way. This is corroborated by similar statements in
the manuals on Yoga, Shakti Shastras, books on Tantra
and the Vedas in India. This answers the riddle of the
Dogon record and explains how accurate knowledge about
the tiny star, Digitaria, could be gained by adepts in
ancient Egypt. It is not at all necessary that there should
have been a contact between the earth and an extra-
terrestrial intelligence from the Sirius planetary system.
There is already a super-sensory organ in man to explore
the mysteries of the Universe.
 After passing through the centres of the sympathetic
nervous system, the esoteric exposition continues,  the
positive and negative currents of the Solar Force meet in
the forehead where, as it were, their balance registers; so
that at this degree of evolution the initiate can sense
whether the balance is perfect or whether positive or
negative current predominates. This power to sense and
govern the currents is here called the double bridle of
Leviathon. And the adept Kings of Egypt bore upon their
foreheads the Uraeus, or Sacred Serpent emblem of this
bridle, to signify that they achieved this power. At
another place the book records:  Knowledge as to the
development of the Force has been sacredly guarded in all
ages lest man, through ignorance, should employ it to his
destruction. The soul that will renounce all personal
ambition, and will seek by selfless service of his fellow
beings to obey the Divine Spirit within, may, without
external teaching or assistance, evoke this flame and
achieve unaided a knowledge of Nature s secrets and
There could be no clearer testimony to the ideas I am
The Sirius Mystery 61
expressing than Le Comte de Gabalis and its more recent
commentary. It is obvious that the occult tradition of all
countries is, more or less, the same revolving round the
cosmic secret of Kundalini and its power to activize a
region in the brain for the acquirement of knowledge not
possible in any other way. What is genius except
revelation of knowledge that already exists, but remains
hidden until a gifted brain arrives on the scene to disclose
it? This is true of all great discoveries of science and all
the great masterpieces of art or literature.
Why then should it evoke incredulity or doubt when a
book on Yoga or occultism makes a categoric statement
that, with the help of certain disciplines, an initiate can
activize the brain in a manner to elicit hidden knowledge
not known to the world before? After all, the knowledge
possessed by a human being comes through the brain. If a
genius has an inherent capacity of the brain to reveal new
knowledge or to create or produce an original work of art,
why should it not be possible for another human being to
stimulate his own organ to the same state of creative
performance that is native to a genius born with the talent?
There are other profound truths expressed in Le Comte de
Gabalis which I shall discuss elsewhere.
The hawk at the back of the head of Pharaoh Khafre can
also symbolize the eye. The predatory birds like the hawk,
kite, etc., have a proverbially sharp sight. The symbol
would thus mean  the Eye behind the Eye or the
allegoric  Third Eye of Shiva which can look into the
mysteries of creation. The Serpent in front of the
headdress of the pharaohs represents the Force necessary
to open the  Eye . The Force is also shown as a serpent
round the head and the throat of Lord Shiva in the Indian
iconography. The symbol of the erect phallus, portrayed in
the Shiva-Linga emblems in the temples in India, has its
counterpart in the erect organ of God Khem in the
Egyptian hieroglyphics. Interpreted in the light of
Kundalini experience, one can find almost complete
concordance between the iconography and tradition in
India about the Serpent Power and that of Egypt in the
dynastic period.
The Sun of illuminating consciousness is also alluded to
62 The Purpose of Yoga
as the Eye behind the Eye or the Ear behind the Ear in the
Indian scriptural lore.  That which man does not see with
the eyes but that by which the Eye sees, know that alone
to be Brahman and not what people worship as an object...
That which cannot be heard by the ear but that by which
the ear hears, know that to be Brahman and not this that
people worship as an object, declare the Upanishads
(Kena 1, 7 and 8). The passage refers to the seeing,
hearing or smelling principle which is Universal
Consciousness. This is also the Sun behind the Sun and
the Eye behind the Eye of the Egyptian tradition.
The conflict of opinion between the protagonists of
extrasensory perception or other paranormal phenomena
and their opponents cannot continue indefinitely, but must
be resolved one day. What is needed is a sufficiently
powerful medium who can demonstrate his uncanny gifts
in a manner than can satisfy the most critical observer.
Considered dispassionately, without bias on either side, no
impartial observer can deny the fact that, in one form or
other, paranormal cognition is a universal phenomenon of
which almost every human being has some experience at
one time or the other in his life. Premonition of an
approaching calamity, prophetic dreams, intuitive flashes
of knowledge, sudden solutions of problems, revelations
of new knowledge, effortless summing up of complex
situations, fore-knowledge of coming events, and other
such occurrences are, indeed, very common and have been
so from time immemorial. The people in general accept
these occasional peregrinations into supernormal territory
as a matter of course and let them rest at that.
Phenomena of this kind have been a feature of both the
civilized and primitive societies. In fact, it is likely that
the keen interest in the supernatural and the occult that has
been a marked characteristic of the human mind almost
from the dawn of reason owes its origin to these bizarre
experiences which always defied reason and its analysis.
The revelation of knowledge in dreams, when reason is
asleep, is a fact of history corroborated by the testimony
of well-known personalities. The Nobel laureate physicist,
Niels Bohr, himself disclosed that it was his dreams that
The Sirius Mystery 63
had revealed the structure of the atom. The amazing
forecasts and revelations made by the oracles in Egypt,
Greece and Rome provide no less authentic evidence for
the phenomenon in ancient times.
The accumulated evidence makes it clear, beyond a
shadow of doubt, that the human mind has the potentiality
to cross the barriers imposed by the senses and to gain
access to knowledge independently of the intellect, from a
source inaccessible to the latter. it is, therefore, no wonder
that in Egypt, India, or other civilizations of the past, the
intellectual hierarchy of the time, with prolonged practise
of secret disciplines, could gain illuminating flashes of [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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