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rose from the sand molds north-of the walk, giving the hot air a damp and
metallic odor. Taryl moved briskly to a portal at the base of the outer wall,
then through it, as did Rahl.
Once inside, a wave of heat, like a wall of invisible flame, slammed into
Rahl, and he stopped well short of the circular brick wall that contained the
crucible itself.
 See if you can raise a shield against the heat, suggested Taryl, who had
already done that.
Rahl let himself feel everything around him before thinking about shields and
trying to let them flow into place before him. The worst of the heat subsided,
but he became even more aware of the raw chaos that lay beyond the crucible
that held molten metal.
 Closer&  ordered Taryl.  Feel the power, but use your shields to keep it from
Page 220
ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
Rahl edged closer.
 Follow me. Taryl gestured, then walked to his left, toward the plug gate
being opened by a pair of ironworkers.  Eventually, Rahl was standing almost
directly beside the molten iron as it poured from the furnace along an
inclined stone channel into the sand mold farther to the west. Even behind his
shields, he was hot and sweating profusely.
Then, with a hiss and sputter, droplets of iron, like heavy chaos, splattered
against his shields. For a moment, Rahl felt everything slipping, and he
concentrated on holding the feeling of the shields, watching as the droplets
struck his shields, then slid off onto the layer of sand over the stone floor.
After a time, Taryl motioned, for him to step back.
Rahl did, following the mage-guard away from the lower levels of the furnace
and then out through the narrow doorway. As he stepped out into the afternoon
drizzle, mist and fog surrounded him.
 Your shields still absorb the heat-chaos, Taryl pointed out.  Let them go
The warm drizzle felt cool compared to the residual heat that had been held
within his shields, and Rahl just let the pinpoints of rain bathe him for
several moments.
 Each of those droplets of molten iron has as much force as a chaos-bolt,
Taryl said.  More than the chaos thrown by most renegade or foreign mages.
 I didn t expect that, Rahl admitted.
 You weren t supposed to. Taryl offered a faint smile.  Now& tell me what you
feel the difference is between the chaos in the furnace and the chaos when a
mage throws a chaos-bolt.
Rahl considered before speaking.  The chaos in the furnace is& more chaotic.
There s ho sense of order about it at all. It s almost all power. But when a
chaos-mage throws a bolt, it s different. ,
 How so?
 It s like it has some chaotic order& but the order s not quite right.
Taryl nodded.  The chaos of the molten iron is what one might call honest
chaos. A chaos-bolt contains a corruption of both chaos and order. That s one
reason why
It s so corrosive. It s also why an ordermage of equivalent strength can never
be defeated-by the power of a chaos-image alone.
Rahl noted the careful phrasing Taryl used, but did not comment.
Taryl looked northward, where darker clouds were massing.  We need to get
moving, unless you want to get soaked or exhausted trying to hold an order
shield against a downpour. He walked toward the waiting wagon.
With a smile, Rahl joined him.
All mage-guard actions must be in accord with the Codex of Hamor and taken on
behalf of the Emperor s best interests. Verbal or written ridicule or
criticism of either a mage-guard or an administrator, or even of the Emperor,
is not a violation of the Codex. Nor shall any book, pamphlet, or leaflet
containing criticism be considered a violation of the Codex. Riot, civil
disobedience, or physical violence in any form against the Emperor, his
officers, any designated subordinate, or a mage-guard is a violation and
should be halted instantly, by whatever means necessary. Likewise, incitement
to civil disobedience, or physical violence in any form against the Emperor,
his officers, any designated subordinate, or a mage-guard is a violation of
the Codex and shall be punished as indicated&
In instances where compliance or violation of the Codex cannot be determined [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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