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done, Cian comes with.
 It s a surprise, Jeremiah offered.  They re all trying so hard to
make me comfortable and show their commitment. I wanted to do the
same. Plus, it feels right having them in my skin, like destiny or
82 Jana Downs
something. He felt his cheeks heat at the romantic and probably silly
sounding words.
 Destiny is a good way to put it. People like us tend to believe in
destiny more than we believe in anything else, Grayson said.
The  people like us part struck Jeremiah for some reason. Were
Mustang and Grayson werewolves like his lovers? He couldn t
exactly come out and ask. It was something to ask Cian later though.
He filed it away for future consideration.
 Here s another book to consider, Mustang said, handing over a
great black folder with yet more letters inside it. Grayson s expression
went from curious to perplexed as Jeremiah opened it and started
looking over the foreign script.
 See any symbol that strikes your fancy? Mustang asked. The
design had seemed incomplete before. Maybe he did need a symbol to
go along with the basic design, something more than vines to tie them
all together.
His eyes traveled the pages considering each symbol in turn
before rejecting them for whatever reason. It wasn t until he was
halfway through the massive binder that he found one that seemed to
work. He traced it with his finger, running the tips over the swirling
lettering that looked a little like Arabic script and a little like art.
 This one feels right. What does it mean? he asked, captivated by
the way the symbol looked. It would look perfect in the separating
space between Cian and the submissives names.
 Unity, Faith, and Family. It s a good choice. It s a pledge of sorts
to always strive to be one with your family and to love them with all
the power the wearer possesses. The  Unity is a promise of forever,
Mustang explained, looking pleased.
Jeremiah couldn t help but laugh.  Good Lord, I will never
remember all that.
 I ll have Grayson type it up for you before you leave. I promise,
Mustang said.  I m glad Cian has finally decided to bring you into his
home. You are a good match for the family.
Acquired in Time 83
Jeremiah frowned.  You can tell all that from a tattoo selection?
 I am a man that is a firm believer in fate and a disbeliever in
coincidences. The symbols and marks we choose to put on ourselves
tell a lot about us. Mustang gave him a ghost of a smile and went
over to one of the drawing tables by the stations.  For example, a
Dominant who pierces his submissive s lips as a sign of ownership is
claiming his kiss. It is the part of the sub s body that the Dominant
enjoys that means something beyond the ring fastened to display
Jeremiah hadn t really thought of things like that. He thought of
Kane and Abel s marks. Kane had his nipples pierced and wore a thin
chain to attach them to one another, and Abel had the words
Devotion, Desire, and Destiny in a ring around his neck that laid just
below his shirt line. Had Cian picked them? He already knew that
Cian had Kane and Abel s names on him, but what did his subs marks
mean? He d have to ask later.
 Give me just a moment to draw it up and put it on the
transferable paper, and we ll be in business. Gray, wipe down the
station and get out the right colors. You want this in black and white
right? Mustang asked, not looking up from his station.
 Yes, please, Jeremiah said.
Grayson kept him distracted by talking about how he knew Cian
and some of his experiences with Jeremiah s Master while Mustang
drew up the tattoo at the drawing board. It was odd to think that Cian,
Kane, and Abel had continued to live, to change, to grow in the period
since Jeremiah had been a part of their life. It had seemed like time
had almost stood still for him. He d made few friends, one boyfriend,
but for the most part he had stayed in the same perpetual state of
Mustang interrupted their conversation.  All right, Jeremiah. I m
ready for you. Come on over and we ll decide on placement.
Jeremiah swallowed and nodded. He started to shake as he made
his way over to the neatly organized space with the chair that looked
84 Jana Downs
like a dentist s, the tiny cups of ink, and a metal gun-looking thing.
Overall it looked very sterile.
 Okay, so where we putting this bad boy? Mustang asked, eyeing
him with purely professional interest.
 My back, Jeremiah said.  I want it bold and impossible to
miss. He thought about the words on his skin and felt a chill go down
his spine. The idea of Kane, Abel, and Cian tracing the letters with
awestruck fingers was a particularly potent fantasy.
 That I can do, man. Take your shirt off, and Gray will prep you.
Mustang put on gloves and sat down on a small rolling stool by the
tattooing chair.
 This, um, feels like I m having surgery, Jeremiah said. His
nerveless fingers drew his shirt over his head, and he tried very hard
not to let the other two men see his hands shake.
 Don t worry, Jeremiah. I ll be right by your side the entire time,
and if you need to break, you just tell me and I ll get Mustang to
stop, Gray reassured, smiling.  Just consider me another friend, no
pressure, no anything. I m here to help you out. If you need some
water or whatever, just say it.
 Okay, I can handle that. How should I sit?
 Straddle it, Grayson said. He pulled up another chair and sat in
front of the chair so that Jeremiah could see him when he sat down.
 First Mustang is going to shave the area and wash it with some green
soap. It may be a little cold. Then he s going to apply the stencil and
begin your tattoo. The tattoo gun is going to make a loud buzzing [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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