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 Transcript of in-clear messages from the Traveler to the Guardship. They
transmitted more by coded squirt.
The Traveler had been fading when he arrived. Now a missile, making an
appreciable percentage of the velocity of light, caughtEdge of Night . End of
that story.
Hunger of the Destroyersat on the Web nearby, recovering its riders. It would
resume shadowingVII Gemina once it had its riders aboard.
He scanned the intercepted messages.  Klass? That did not seem possible. How
much had she passed to the Guardship?
Enough, probably.
 Who has seen these? he asked.
One of his own said,  You and the tech who transcribed them.
Good. The tech would say nothing. He would not. No telling what the Tregesser
hostages would do if they heard.
Something suicidal, surely. This meant the game was up for House Tregesser.
What else it might mean remained to be seen. The wizard would have to chew on
Delicate Harmonycontinued its headlong plunge toward Canon space.
WarAvocat let Klass s decrypted report scroll a few lines, stopped it. He
glanced over to see how they were doing rounding up the chunks of the Pioyugov
Traveler, to see if they were keeping that in the Guardship s shadow relative
to the Outsider, which had broken off the Web again. Then he looked up.
The Deified had abandoned their screens. All but the Deified Kole Marmigus,
who grinned a monster of a grin. Marmigus winked.
WarAvocat rolled the message back to start.  Aleas. Read this with me.
She did not look pleased but joined him. He let the message scroll. It ran a
half hour at his reading speed, hitting the high points of Klass s adventures.
Aleas had nothing to say.
If it stunned her, how much more impact on those Deified after his gonads?
 Access, OpsAvocat. WarAvocat here. We ll be returning to Canon space as soon
as we ve completed recovery. Destination is P. Benetonica 3. Out.
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ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
Aleas said,  So. You win a big round with the Deified.
 I sure do. May take them weeks to start aggravating me again. He rose,
confident that his power never had been greater or more secure, faced a ragged
and badly aged Lieutenant Klass, who d come into WarCentral with the other
survivors from the Pioyugov Traveler.
Aleas asked,  What ll you do about the other Klass?
Jo nearly lost it when she saw WarAvocat. AnyKaat caught her arm and steadied
her.  Not yet, Jo. We re almost there.
Seeker touched her with a similar sentiment, though most of his attention was
on Amber Soul, who was on her way to Hospital with several injured Pioyugovs.
Even the crew had been lucky, relatively. Only eight were missing.
Jo got hold of herself, advanced toward Strate, pleased that he was still in
charge. Could she keep from smashing his face if he came up with some typical
tight-ass officer s crap about her appearance?
He came to meet her. He wrapped his arms around her and held her. Must be
shipwide cameras watching, she thought.  Welcome home, Colonel.
The bastard had her confused with Haget!
But she accepted his welcome, and enjoyed it till she collapsed.
Turtle followedVII Gemina  s progress closely. The Guardship zigged, zagged,
ducked in and out of starspace, doubled back, tried to ambushHunger of the
Destroyer . And could neither shake its shadow nor catch it.Hunger hung on
like a tail.
Its commander deserved a commendation. Not only was he carrying out his
assignment, he was causingVII Gemina to fall farther and farther behind by
taunting it into wasting time on those maneuvers.
The wizard had reasoned it out. There had been a Meddinian aboard the
Traveler. Probably one of the two he had talked Provik into sending home.
Having concluded that, he studied the messages that had crossed the Web since
the countdown began.
They might have gotten enough to anticipate the strike at Capitola
If they d just break off to vent their spleen on Tregesser Prime...He could
advance the S. Alisonica attack. All units would be in position early. IfVII
Gemina could be drawn to Capitola Primagenia it would be too far away to
interfere at Starbase.
This would be delicate.
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ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
Delicate Harmonycrossed the Rim into Canon space. He shifted the countdown
from a daily to an every four hour count on the chance the Meddinian had
survived the destruction of its Traveler. He would not put that hope to the
test tillVII Gemina had paid its respects at Tregesser Prime. If it did.
It did.
Turtle gave the Guardship time to become preoccupied with the surprises he
had bestowed upon P. Benetonica. Then he rattled the Web with a coded torrent.
His Godspeaker masters approved what he was trying to do.
Good. Their minds had to be adjusted to a specific set, too.
WarAvocat had not mistaken Jo for Haget. He had promoted her. Hardly had she
been cleared by Medical than she was chin deep in planning a chastisement
operation against House Tregesser. Her assignment was WarAvocat s idea of a
She was to lead the regimental combat team assigned to capture Tregesser
Horata and the villains.
He made no mistake calling her Colonel. His mistake was failing to wonder
what mischief Kez Maefele had been up to during his stay on Tregesser Prime.
VII Geminabroke off the Web and swooped in the grand Guardship style, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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