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The problem was, Luke thought, enfolding her in his arms, she was just too & short. That was it. She
was too short. She didn't fit. Even wearing those heels, the top of her head only came to the middle of his
chest. Which was really too bad. Karen was beautiful, smart, sexy. How unfortunate he'd never noticed
how vertically challenged she was before tonight.
With fifty-plus bodies in it, the room was hot. Even with the door wide-open to the narrow balcony, the
evening air was stifling. Luke wanted to unpeel Karen from his chest and stand under a cold shower. He
concentrated on moving his feet.
Two yards away, Cat danced with Nick, laughing and chatting and having the time of her life. Luke
would have to talk to her. He'd invited at least seven guys specifically for her to meet tonight. She already
knew Nick.
Luke rubbed his hand down Karen's smooth arm and turned her so that his back was toward Cat and
he could give his date the attention she deserved. Karen slid her hands up his chest and around his neck.
"Too many people here." She ran her long nails up and down the back of his neck. "Bet no one would
notice if we snuck out."
* * *
Luke sat in the back row of the dark, all-night movie theater. He could have had his pick of greasy, red
velvet seats. He was the only one there. Not surprising. It was2:00 a.m.and an artsy foreign film flickered
on the screen, the subtitles barely legible. At this very moment he should have been getting hot and
sweaty with Karen. Instead he'd dropped her off, walked her to the door and driven back into the city.
He didn't want to go home, because he wanted to go home so badly he could taste it.
Nuts. He was certifiably nuts. He wasn't sure who he was doing this for. Cat or himself.
* * *
Luke didn't come home.
He and his gorgeous, petite brunette with boobs out to there and legs up to here had disappeared over
an hour ago. Catherine refused to speculate where they were or what they might be doing. Might? Ha!
Did every woman he lusted after have to be so petite? So available? So & cute? She clenched her teeth.
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Ducking out on his own party was rude as far as she was concerned. The condo was still jam-packed
with Luke's and Nick's upwardly mobile friends, none of whom seemed to have noticed their host had
gone AWOL. Everyone was having a blast.
Catherine's head throbbed and the muscles around her mouth ached from smiling. She was tired of
making nice. In fact, she'd pretended to hurt her ankle so she didn't have to dance any more. Which
meant she was stuck sitting in Luke's big black leather chair in the corner with her feet propped up. A
captive audience for Ted, Allan, two Bobs and an ethereal blonde named Cheryl.
She let Cheryl entertain the four men while she zoned out, thinking unwillingly about what Luke was up
to. Karen had beautiful skin. No freckles on her. Catherine glanced down at her own hands, fisted
around a half-filled glass of warm soda. Her skin looked as though she'd been peppered. Ugh. She hated
her freckles. Hated them.
One of the Bobs said something, and the others laughed. Catherine had enough presence of mind to
smile. One thing she'd learned: there was no point in crying over things that couldn't be changed. She was
in this particular polka-dotty skin, and she had to resign herself to living with it. Disliking how she looked
wasn't going to change reality.
Besides, she thought, working herself up into a real snit, it was Luke's fault. If he hadn't always shown up
with some creamy-skinned, pocket Venus, Catherine wouldn't have grown up hating her freckles, her
hair and her height.
She wanted Luke to come home and everyone else to disappear.
Eventually, finally, the guests left in dribs and drabs. Now it was after two, and Luke still wasn't back.
The last to leave, Nick leaned over to kiss her forehead on the way out the front door. "Are you sure I
can't "
"Go." Catherine pushed at his wide chest. "Thank you for offering to help with the cleanup. I'll take care
of it next week when I wake up."
"You did good, Princess. You were the belle of the ball." [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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