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her eyes.  Don t ask, Rac.
 You re avoiding him?
 At least you aren t denying it.
Maggie sighed, pleating the sheets with her fingers.  I don t understand why he s still here.
 Maybe for the same reason he was outside your hospital room all night.
Maggie s eyes widened.  What?
 I stopped by when I got off work. He was there.
 It must have been after two o clock in the morning.
Racy shrugged.  I snuck in. Anyway, I found his six-foot-plus frame propped up in one of those waiting-room
Landon at the hospital? All night? No one had told her.
Her mind reeled. It was too much.
Discovering he d spent time in prison, that she and her family meant nothing to him, that making love meant
nothing. But then he d saved her, said he couldn t fall in love with her, stayed at the hospital all night&
Fresh pain stabbed at her heart.
 Maggie. Racy took her hand.  What is it?
 Noth nothing. She shook her head.  I m fine.
 You want to tell me what s going on between you and your cowboy? Racy sat back in the chair.  We haven t
talked in a while, but I can hear something in your voice whenever you say his name.
She closed her eyes against her friend s inquisitive stare.  There s nothing between me and Landon& anymore. It
doesn t matter. It s over.
 Is that the reason he s got a horse trailer attached to his truck?
Maggie s eyes shot to her friend.  You don t miss much. Then she sighed.  I fired him and he should already be
gone, except for 
 He saved your life? Racy cut her off.  And what do you mean you fired him? Why?
A knock at the door saved Maggie from answering.  Come in.
Her grandmother opened the door.  I thought you d like to know the sheriff and Leeann are here.
 Well, that s my cue. I m outta here. Racy grabbed her bag and stood.
 Honey, I m afraid you can t, Nana B. said.  The sheriff pulled in right behind you, blocked your car.
Racy let out an exasperated breath.  Of course he did! You have room to park twenty vehicles and where does
he put his Jeep? Right on my ass!
Nana B. smiled, then became serious.  Maggie, something tells me this isn t a social call.
 You re probably right. She kicked away the blankets. They had to be here because of Black Jack.
 Are you feeling well enough to get out of bed? Racy handed her a pair of jeans and a shirt.  A minute ago you
were determined to stay there.
Maggie ignored her and shimmied off her pajama bottoms.
 You know the boys will insist on hearing what the sheriff has to say.
Maggie s fingers faltered on the zipper of her jeans. Her grandmother was including Landon when she said boys.
She breathed deeply, then released it, doing little to settle the butterflies in her stomach.  They have a right to
know what s going on, but if you could keep Anna distracted 
 Don t you worry, she and I will be in the garden picking veggies. But I expect a full report later.
Maggie agreed and slipped on a pair of sneakers. She glanced at the mirror. It was useless to try to do anything
with her hair. Not with the large compress and bandage wrapped around her head.
You worried about impressing someone?
Pushing aside the thought, she headed for the kitchen with Racy at her heels. They stepped into the sunny room
as Hank opened the back door for Gage and Leeann. She tried to keep her gaze away from Landon, but it was
Dressed from head to toe in black, he stood in the corner closest to the back door, his attention on Gage. As if
he knew she was watching, he turned and locked eyes with her. Spence broke the spell by stepping in front of
him to join Charlie at the table.
 So, did you smell Nana B. s steak sandwiches all the way into town? Maggie asked, thankful her voice came
out unruffled.  Or is this an official visit?
 It s official. Gage removed his hat. He took a moment to look over the crowded room. Maggie noted his gaze
lingered a second longer on Racy, who was leaning against the counter.  If you prefer, we can talk in private.
Maggie moved to the table and rested her hands on the back of a chair.  If this has to do with Black Jack then
please go ahead. We re all family  Her hands tightened on the wood, as this time she succeeded in not looking
at Landon.  We re all in this together.
 Maggie, maybe you should sit, Leeann said.
 Why? The faint pain in her head took a sharp jump.  Did something happen to Black Jack?
 No. Her friend rushed to her.  You look like someone  [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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