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rocked with long, steady strokes while his fingers dug into her resilient flesh. He
needed more of her, all of her. He wanted to fuck her so hard and so well she would
never think of another man.
Aubrey Ross
His balls burned with the need to spew, but he fought back the urge, not yet ready
to end their encounter. Instead, he thrust deep and wrapped his arms around her waist.
 Grab me tight.
She wrapped her arms and legs around him and he crawled onto the bed,
repositioning her near the middle of the large mattress. Her legs loosened, drawing up
against his sides. He slipped one arm beneath her neck and braced himself with the
other as he resumed his slow, deep thrusts.
Without prompting, she raised her arms over her head and grasped her wrists. Her
lips parted as his head descended, and Theos groaned. Her willing submission thrilled
him, feeding the possessive fire raging within him.
He thrust harder, slamming his full length into her with each desperate stroke. She
cried out and shuddered violently, her inner muscles beckoning him to join her in
His mouth settled over hers, tongue echoing the motion of his cock. Her nipples
grazed his chest and her thighs squeezed his sides. She felt soft and fragile beneath him,
but he couldn t temper the ferocity of his desire. She hugged him with her legs and her
mouth and her pussy, her response as demanding as his desire.
It felt so perfect, so She was his master s sister! It did not matter how wonderful it
felt. He was a means to an end for his master and a night s entertainment for Elaina.
The fantasy slipped away, taking with it the surreal perfection. He thrust deep one
last time, clutching her to his chest as he pumped his seed deep inside her. The shallow
bursts of pleasure were a hollow imitation of what should have been. She arched
beneath him, her lovely features tight with release. Her cunt stubbornly milked him,
each strong contraction driving the fantasy farther from his mind.
She relaxed with a sigh, a dreamy smile curving her lips.
Theos carefully separated their bodies and crawled off the bed. His master should
be pleased. The lady certainly seemed satisfied.
 Are you all right?
He glanced over his shoulder and stifled a groan. She rested on her side, naked and
unashamed, the very picture of post-coital bliss.  If you are finished with me, I would
like to return to the barracks.
Aubrey Ross
Chapter Four
Elaina scrambled off the bed and snatched her tunic off the floor.  If I m finished
with you? She motioned to the rumpled bed as hurt coiled through her chest.  This is
not why I had you summoned. This& just happened.
 Are you certain? The warm challenge she had found so endearing before had
been replaced by cold sarcasm.  My performance in the arena was so stimulating you
had me brought to your bed chamber so we could talk? He retrieved his tunic and
shrugged into the garment, his expressionless mask firmly in place.  Will there be
anything else?
 Theos. She heard the pathetic cry in her own tone and took a deep, calming
breath. He was a slave. Of course he thought she would use him for her own pleasure
and casually walk away. His only defense was emotional distance.  Our bargain is only
half fulfilled.
His dark gaze flew to hers and his hands clenched at his sides.  You can tell all your
friends you fucked a gladiator. There is no reason for such nonsense now.
 I disagree. It might take me a few days to make the arrangements. When are you
scheduled to fight again?
His eyes narrowed as his mouth pressed into a mutinous line.  I do not know.
Refusing to be baited by his obstinacy, she shrugged.  It doesn t matter. I ll find
out. Some time before your next bout, I ll have you summoned again. Be prepared for
the adventure of your life. Her smile had no effect on his stoic manner.
 I cannot pass beyond the barrier. Emotion added texture to his voice, but she
wasn t sure if it was anger or fear.
 I trusted you with my body. Can you fault my surrender? He just stared at her.
 Now it s your turn. When I return, I ll expect your full cooperation.
Without responding with word or gesture, he strode from the room.
Tears blurred Elaina s vision, but she stubbornly blinked them away. This wasn t
personal. Yeah, right. Maybe some people could treat sex as a recreational sport, but she
had never been one of them. Theos had touched her and tasted her. He d clutched her
to his heart while she came so hard she forgot everything but him.
She washed up and finished dressing. There was no way she was spending the
night in a bed that reeked of him and the pleasure they d shared.
A soft tap drew her attention to the doorway. Laetif stood there, dressed in a
housecoat, hair loose about her shoulders.  Is everything all right? I heard the guards [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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