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She stood up, her eyes spitting fire at him. 'The fact that we're married
doesn't give you the right to order me around!'
'Yes, it does,' he said flatly. He took hold of her elbow and hustled her back
into the villa, into her bedroom. She dragged her feet, struggling, protesting
in a muted way because she did not want Joanna to hear them.
'Where's that parcel I gave you?' he demanded.
She had forgotten it. It was in the bottom of the wardrobe, still wrapped, and
Ashley's brows jerked together as she produced it.
'I see my presents really excite you,' he snapped. 'Couldn't you even have
opened it?'
She was sorry she had not done so and to propitiate him unwrapped it there
and then, exclaiming with pleasure at the bikini she found inside. Briefer
than any she had ever worn, it was a smooth cream coloured cotton printed
with tiny orange flowers.
'Thank you, Ashley,' she said, turning, to smile at him, sorry that they had
had another of their arguments.
'Put it on,' he said, his tone demanding.
She flushed, eyeing him. Did he mean to stand there and watch? His mouth
quirked "sardonically and he walked across to the window, turning his back.
'Is this better?'
Rapidly Selina changed into the bikini, feeling nervous as she told him he
could turn round again.
His eyes drifted over her appreciatively. 'Now come and thank me properly,'
he drawled, extending a hand.
Obediently she crossed the room, deeply conscious of the grey eyes
watching her. Ashley pulled her against his body and bent his head. The kiss
was coaxing, rather than violent, and she found no hardship in returning it,
even when one of his hands moved softly along her midriff and cupped a
breast. 'You're ravishing,' he whispered against her mouth. 'Beautiful,
beautiful Selina ... can you blame me for wanting to keep you captive here,
just for my eyes?'
'Do you have to go into town?' she asked idly, her fingers twirling one of the
buttons on his shirt.
'Unfortunately, I do,' he said with regret. 'This chap Campbell is involved in
a hotel deal I'm negotiating, and I can't afford to offend him. He heard I was
staying at the villa from a mutual friend in the States, and as he's on the
island for a week he thought he would give me a ring.' He grinned. 'He isn't
aware I'm on my honeymoon, of course. I've managed to keep our marriage
discreetly out of print.'
She looked at him, frowning. Was he ashamed of the marriage? Why didn't
he want the papers to know about it?
'Are you going to keep me a dark secret from all your friends?' she asked
He looked at her in surprise. 'You wouldn't want to meet Campbell. He's
rather a dull chap, although very friendly. The one passion of his life is his
daughter, Renata.'
'That's an unusual name,' she commented.
He grinned. 'Her mother was German. I believe the name is a German one.'
'And is Renata Campbell a beautiful Teutonic blonde?' she asked, her voice
He looked down at her, the grey eyes narrowing. 'Do I detect a note of
asperity in your voice?'
Selina flushed. 'Just curiosity.'
'Of course,' he said mockingly, 'I'd forgotten. You're never jealous.'
She looked away. "Will you be back for lunch?'
'I'm not certain,' he said. I'll try to get away, but I may have to stay until after
lunch. Campbell will think it odd if I refuse.' His eyes mocked her again. 'He
probably thinks I'm here with a lady friend.'
'I'm sure he has good reason for his suspicions,' she retorted tartly.
Ashley laughed, his smile full of sudden charm. 'Careful, my darling, you're
beginning to sound like a jealous woman, and. you wouldn't want that,
would you?'
He moved to the door before she could reply. Pausing to survey her again,
he grimaced. 'You don't know how much I hate to leave you. You're totally
delectable in that. I'll be back as soon as I can get away.'
Then he had gone, and Selina found a large bath towel, the sun tan lotion
and a paperback, and wandered out into the villa garden. There was a pretty
floral-upholstered beach swing on the lawn. Curling up on the cushions, she
read her book, enjoying the peace and tranquillity of the morning.
Stretching lazily, she glanced at her watch and found it was nearly lunch
time. Joanna came out on the terrace and grinned at her.
'You look nice and lazy,' she called in her soft voice. 'When do you want
lunch, Mrs Dent? I get it whenever you like. Mr Dent not coming back?'
'If he isn't here we're to start without him,' she said. 'I'll just have salad and
fruit, thank you, Joanna.'
Over the meal she talked to Joanna about her family and her life on the
island. Feeling like a short nap, she then walked down to the beach and
stretched out on the sand, her new beach hat shading her from the worst of
the midday sun.
Then footsteps crunched along the sand near her she turned lazily, a
welcoming smile breaking out on her mouth, expecting to see Ashley. It was
not him, however. Her smile wavered as she recognised the young man they
had met the day before.
'Oh, hello,' she said uncertainly.
His friendly beam widened. 'Hi! Remember me? We met in the town. I'm
Phil Webster.'
'I remember,' she said politely. 'You know my brother.'He stood looking
down at her, warm admiration in his eyes. 'I wish I'd known Roger had such
a pretty sister,' he said frankly. 'I would have asked for an invitation to meet
She laughed, amused by his directness. 'I am married, you know,' she
pointed out. 'In fact, we're on our honeymoon.'
His eyes widened. 'Good lord? Really? What a close shave!'
'A close shave?' She was puzzled, but still amused. 'How do you mean?'
'If I'd met you before you met your husband it might be us on our
honeymoon,' he said cheerfully.
Selina laughed, her eyes dancing. 'You take a lot for granted, Mr Webster.'
He caught on at once. 'You don't think you would have fancied me that
much?' He sighed. 'I suppose I'm not any sort of competition for your
husband. Bit awesome, isn't he?'
'Talking of my husband,' she said gently, 'he might be back any minute and
if he found you here he might be angry. This is a private beach, you know.'
Phil Webster lowered himself beside her, unabashed. 'He won't be back for
quite a while,' he said confidently.
'How can you be so sure?'
'I saw him starting to eat an enormous lunch at the Lorelei Hotel,' he said
brightly. 'He was with a bald- headed old chap and an absolutely stunning
peach of a girl ...' His eyes swivelled to catch Selina's expression. 'Not as
lovely as you, mind you,' he said hastily. 'But beauty queen material, all the
Her stomach turned over jealously. 'It is a business lunch,' she said, and
wondered why she felt impelled to make excuses for Ashley. If he wanted to
have lunch with a peach of a girl that was his problem, not hen. She didn't
care if he had lunch with a dozen assorted beauty queens. But why hadn't he
told her that Renata Campbell was with her father on the island? He must
have known. Was that why he had dashed off at a moment's notice?
Phil Webster was gazing, entranced, at her bikini. 'Are you going to swim?'
he asked. 'Would you mind if I join you?'
She glanced at his T-shirt and pale blue jeans. 'Have you got swimming
trunks with you?'
He nodded. 'Under this.'
She shrugged. 'I suppose it doesn't matter.' Why should Ashley expect her to
wait here alone while he lunched with stunning girls? What was sauce for
the gander was certainly sauce for the goose!
Suddenly for some reason the prospect of arousing his jealousy was not an
unpleasant one. It satisfied some urge in her to punish him for having left
her to lunch with another woman, especially a stunning peach of a blonde.
Clare Leslie had been a blonde. Selina had hated her on sight, envying her
the uncomplicated sexuality which could respond to Ashley without fear or
She stood up and walked down the beach, the sand burning under her feet.
Wading into the blue, blue water she heard Phil running down behind her, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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