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Yamada turned to say something about the suicidal couriers
in Tokyo and saw his boss on the sidewalk. Yamada had a
surprised look on his face and a small hole in his forehead.
"Man down!" the minder called out as he knelt beside
Yamada and his colleagues surrounded him, guns pointed
The head of security quickly determined that his charge
had been shot by a weapon with a very effective silencer.
Yamada was carried back inside and an ambulance was called
while two men chased the courier. As they waited for
emergency services, the bodyguards did what they could in
the way of first aid. However, it was apparent that Yamada
had died instantly.
"No one was tracking that messenger?" The security chief
angrily berated his men, and the crowd that had gathered
took several steps back. "Not one of you saw him approach?"
One of the men spoke up. "I didn't see him until he was
parallel with the limo, and then he was gone. I don't know
where he came from."
"He must have come out of the alley between this building
and the next one," another man said.
Moonlight, Tiger, and Smoke
by Connie Bailey
"It happened so fast," said the team's rookie.
The head of security held up a hand for silence and
listened to a report on his ear bud. "Damn!" he said under his
breath, and then raised his voice. "We lost the shooter."
Several blocks away, atop a high-rise parking garage,
Tiger dismounted from the racing bike and unsnapped the
chinstrap of his helmet. He heard the unmistakable sound of
blades chopping at the air and looked up to see a small,
wasp-like helicopter descending. The sleek craft alit on the
roof of the structure and Tiger walked over to it. The bike was
loaded and Tiger got in. Buckling the harness around him, he
nodded to the man in the copilot's seat.
"Good job," Rain said.
Tiger took the compliment with outward calm, but his
pulse was still racing, and he had the urge to punch a fist
triumphantly into the air. "Thank you, sir," he said, proud of
the steadiness of his voice. "Were you able to see the entire
Rain nodded. "The helmet-camera worked perfectly." He
held out a hand and Tiger passed him the colorful headgear.
"It was quick and clean and no one knew anything had
happened until it was all over. You're an amazing shot. I was
dubious, as I said several times, that you'd be able to make
the hit from a moving bicycle, but you did it."
"Yamada was a large target."
"True." Rain chuckled. "But still, you had to hit him on the
fly. Not an easy thing and you drilled him right through the
forehead. We watched his men carry him inside before we
Moonlight, Tiger, and Smoke
by Connie Bailey
came to pick you up. Yamada won't be selling any more
children into slavery."
"Good." Tiger glanced at the pilot. "When are you going to
let me take this chopper for a spin?"
"As soon as we get back to base, if that's what you want,"
Rain said.
"I'd like that," Tiger said. "I've had basic flight instruction
with rotors, but not much chance to fly them."
"That can easily be arranged." Rain reached back and
tousled Tiger's hair. "You're making me look good, Tiger."
"As if you needed me for that." Tiger grinned.
"I know we're not in this business for the glory," Rain said.
"But it's nice to have a good reputation and the respect of
your peers."
Tiger nodded. "What's next?"
"So eager," Rain said.
"And effective," the pilot added.
"True." Rain rubbed his chin, looking speculatively at Tiger.
"Maybe we should just turn you loose and let you sort out all
of the Kagehito's problems."
"I'd like that," Tiger said.
"I'm sure you would." Rain chuckled. "Are you sure the
only reward you want is a helicopter joy ride?"
"Well... there is one other thing." Tiger paused. "But it
may be too much to ask."
"Tell me your wish, and I'll tell you if it's too much."
Tiger quieted his misgivings and told his team leader what
he really wanted: a few days on Saigo Island.
* * * *
Moonlight, Tiger, and Smoke
by Connie Bailey
"Well done," Mallet said as he met Tiger at the helipad on
Saigo Island. "You're a full-fledged Iron man now."
Tiger grinned in pleasure at his sensei's approval as they
started walking toward the west side of the compound. On
the way, he described the mission and answered Mallet's
questions. They reached the dividing wall, and Mallet paused.
"I'll say good-bye here," the instructor said.
"Aren't you going to celebrate with me?" Tiger asked.
"Another time. I wanted to greet you, but now I have
other obligations."
Tiger was actually relieved when Mallet said good night
and walked away. He looked forward to being alone for a
while so he could think about Moonlight. Maybe now that he'd
been promoted, he could find a way to see his friend.
When Tiger reached his new room, the door was already
open. Cautiously, he pushed it wide and looked into the small
"Sorry to keep surprising you like this," Moonlight said,
rising from his seat on the narrow bed.
Tiger crossed the room in two strides and swept Moonlight
into a fierce hug. "You're really here," he murmured, his
hands moving on Moonlight's back.
"I'm not the one who was away." Moonlight kissed Tiger
and couldn't stop until he'd kissed everything he could reach
with his mouth.
"I missed you too." Tiger drew back a little to look into
Moonlight's eyes. "When I wake up in the morning and don't
see this face, the sun doesn't shine for me."
Moonlight, Tiger, and Smoke
by Connie Bailey
Moonlight ducked his head, smiling shyly. "So you're a
poet as well as the best Iron Tribe recruit in a thousand
"I hear you did very well on your first mission."
"That's what I hear too." Tiger kissed Moonlight. "And here
you are. Now will you listen to my theory about being
rewarded for good work? Hey, don't pout. It was just a bad
"It would hurt me if you thought of me like that."
"Of course I don't." Tiger kissed Moonlight again. "I love
Moonlight kissed him back and it was several moments
before either spoke again.
"Do you want to eat first or ?" was as far as Moonlight
got before Tiger's tongue was in his mouth, effectively killing
the conversation again.
Turning Moonlight around, Tiger crowded him up against
the wall. With shaking hands, he pulled Moonlight's loose
trousers to his ankles and ran a hand over the perfect curves
of Moonlight's ass. His other hand was busy freeing his cock,
which was getting harder with each beat of his heart. Through
the weeks and months of separation, he'd fantasized about
this moment so many times that it was now a prophecy
Moonlight braced his palms against the cool stone of the
wall and waited breathlessly. He heard Tiger spit and then he
felt Tiger's hard, slick cock slide between his cheeks. He
gasped as Tiger reached around to take hold of him.
Moonlight, Tiger, and Smoke
by Connie Bailey
Leaning hard against Moonlight, Tiger pulsed his hips,
dragging his hardness up and down Moonlight's crack. He
stroked Moonlight's cock to the same urgent rhythm, his
other hand splayed across Moonlight's taut lower belly,
keeping Moonlight's round butt tight against his crotch.
Letting his head drop back, he breathed in great gulps of air.
Moonlight pounded a fist silently against the wall, biting his
lip to hold in a cry of ecstasy as he came. Reaching over his
shoulder, he caught a handful of Tiger's hair and pulled him
Tiger fastened his mouth on Moonlight's neck, sucking
strongly as Moonlight's cum oozed between his fingers. He
continued to shuttle his fist slowly on the sated shaft as he [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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