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 Yeah, I figured we d have run into at least one by now, Reynolds replied, searching the hall in front
and behind with a cautious gaze, his eye suddenly freezing on the ceiling behind them.
 Doug, he whispered and pointed to the roof.
McNeely followed the finger to a ceiling tile that was slightly ajar and directly above Butler and Terrel.
 Jesus, he whispered, standing rapidly to call out to the men.  Butler, Terrel above& 
His warning came a second too late as the roof abruptly rained down on them and Gallagher fell from
above, landing on his feet with an unnatural grace. Terrel rolled away as fast as the flame unit strapped to
his back would allow, bringing his weapon up but hesitating to fire for fear of enveloping Butler and a
group of civilians in flame.
Butler was not as fortunate, Gallagher landed directly behind him and he screamed as his arm was
wrenched out of the socket and a spray of blood jutted from the fractured bone protruding through his
The men closest scrambled to get out of the way and Butler s scream morphed into a warbling gurgle as
Gallagher s teeth seized his esophagus and tore through his throat. In his convulsions, Butler s finger
clamped down on the trigger to his rifle and he sprayed gunfire wildly down the hall, several rounds
catching Terrel in the chest and knocking him onto his back.
Gallagher threw the dying Butler aside like a rag doll and raced headlong into the men fleeing for safety.
 Behind me, now! McNeely screamed, watching in horror as Dr. Tanaka s head was slammed into the
wall with an audible crack.
 Two behind us, Reynolds yelled.
McNeely yanked his head around to see Jones and Dobson casually advancing on them from a distance,
his attention returned forward at Tomlinson s scream and he turned in time see the man s jaw completely
torn away from his skull. His hand flashed to his radio.  Alvarez fall back to the lab, we re overrun, he
yelled and stood to level his rifle.  Drop that fucker and run for the lab! he screamed and let loose with a
long automatic burst that humanely tore through the dying Dr. Garcia and plunged unnoticed into
Gallagher s body.
The men followed his example and the now dead Garcia was reduced to tatters in a hail of gunfire.
Clovis leveled his shotgun and emptied it at Gallagher s knees and he fell to the floor only to be
surrounded by half a dozen men who vengefully emptied their weapons into the creature, blowing it apart
by inches.
Reynolds darted past the conflict and slid to his knees next to the unmoving Terrel, cursing when dead
eyes stared unseeing into his own.
 Move! McNeely screamed, indiscriminately shoving the remaining men back the way they had come.
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 Run for the lab!
The men took off at a dead run, all with the exception of DeSoto who calmly reloaded his rifle and took
the time to empty it again into the quivering pulp that Gallagher had been reduced to.
 DeSoto, with me now! Reynolds yelled and the young man turned to spare a last look at Butler s
corpse before running to join the fleeing men.
McNeely again reached for his radio as they pounded down the hall.  Ring, we re coming back on the
double, get on the door! he yelled and a minute later he was caught up in the swell of bodies struggling
to get inside into safety.
The Chief and DeSoto were the last to enter and Ring pushed the door closed with the assistance of
several panicked hands.
 Wait! Is Alvarez here? McNeely yelled.
 I m here, seal the fucking door! Alvarez said loudly and Ring punched the code into the door quickly.
A general sigh of relief encompassed the room and McNeely sidearmed his rifle across the room to take
out a computer monitor.  Goddamn it!
Corky ran back into the room at all the commotion and looked around fearfully, not spotting the one she
hoped to find and noting with sadness that there were only eleven people in the room.
Watkins observed the lack of bodies too.  Great, he said sarcastically.  Maybe we should build a fire
and sing some songs.
 If I were you, I d shut the fuck up, Reynolds warned ominously.
 I have the right to speak, he said derisively.  The Commander s dead and we re dropping like flies.
Are we just sup& 
His words were cut off by the butt of Alvarez s rifle slamming powerfully into the side of his face and he
crumpled to the ground in a heap.
 Well done, Sergeant, Corky said mildly.
Malory heard the gunfire and cursed, momentarily halting work on her preparations as she listened
intently for several minutes after the last shot had been fired. Fighting against a gnawing feeling of urgency,
she hurriedly went about finishing her work.
She had painstakingly rearranged the room s three desks in front of the door to create an obstacle
course, leaving only a few feet between each one. She was thankful that the infrequently used room was
narrow enough to make each desk a tight fit. When Garret entered, he wouldn t be able to go around
and would have to climb over each desk individually, hopefully giving her enough time to get away. As an
afterthought, she had used her rifle to knock the casters off the legs on one side of each desk. Her plan
would fail if the creature simply shoved each desk together and crushed her at the far end of the room.
With the casters removed, this would make that possibility much more difficult, since each one now
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leaned into the floor at an angle.
Feeling as if she were ready, she checked the magazine of her pistol and chambered a round. Leaving
the handgun on the last desk, she slung her rifle and slowly began negotiating the furniture on her way to
the door.
She had no doubt Garret was still on the other side, the sound of his fists pounding relentlessly on the
door had proven to be a constant source of anxiety and irritation. Steeling herself with a deep breath, she
leaned over the last desk to enter the code that would unseal the door. As her finger depressed the last
key she scrambled madly back to the rear of the room, leapfrogging the desks as quickly as she was
able. She retrieved her pistol as her feet hit the floor behind the last one and waited anxiously for the door
to open.
The pounding ceased when the entry light turned green and Garret wasted no time in throwing the door
open violently, lunging into the room with an insane glee. His waist slammed into the first desk and
Malory took careful aim, letting a round go as he rebounded slightly from his collision. The bullet entered
his eye and snapped his head back violently, a red splatter flying into the air behind him. Undeterred, he
bowled forward determinedly, the desk scraping loudly as the casterless legs dug into the floor. Her
second shot missed its target and struck him in the bridge of his nose, managing to remove a good
portion of his brainpan with an impressive patch of hair still attached. Garret rammed the first desk into
the next and his momentum came to a jerking halt as he encountered the second obstacle. The .45 roared
again and his vision was extinguished in a red mist.
Malory grunted in satisfaction as he began to flail around blindly and holstered her pistol. Garret s
movements became frenzied and he lost his bearings, spinning around in a circle and lashing out in a [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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