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He laid her down on the carpet in front of the picture window that overlooked the lawn half a story
below. Her body, there in the light, had the shimmer of a pearl. He knelt beside her and slowly,
tenderly, stripped the clothing from her body, leaving it bare and trembling, all the while tracing her
softness with his lips, with his hands, in skilled caresses that made it impossible for her to draw back.
He removed his own clothes then, still a little uncertain that his body was going to cooperate with him
despite its tense need. So many years, so much pain, so much hunger. He looked at her and felt his
whole body clench as he stood above her, shivering a little in the fullness of his arousal.
She looked at him with faint fear in a single moment of sanity. It hadn't been this intimate before. In
the darkness, she'd had hardly a glimpse of him. Now, standing over her that way, she saw the
magnitude of his arousal and flushed.
"I'll be careful," he said quietly.
He eased down beside her, restraining his own desire. He smoothed the hair back from her flushed
face and bent to kiss her with aching tenderness, stemming the rush of words that rose to her lips. She
wanted to tell him that she was unprotected, to ask him if he was going to take precautions. But his
mouth settled hard on her breast and she arched, shivering with hot pleasure, and her last grasp on
reason fell away.
The slow, easy movements of his hands and mouth relaxed her. She lay watching him touch her,
hearing the deep tenderness of his voice as he whispered to her. The words became indistinguishable
as he touched her more intimately. Her body lifted, shivered, opened to him. Her
eyes, wide with awe, sought his as the pleasure built to some unexpected plateau and trembled there on
the edge of ecstasy as he moved over her at last and his body began, very slowly, to join itself to hers.
She stiffened at first, because it was suddenly difficult, and her eyes flew open, panicked.
He paused, breathing heavily, and bent to kiss her wild eyes closed. He couldn't lose control, he told
himself. Not this time. He had to fight his own desperate hunger for her sake. "I won't hurt you," he
whispered roughly. His hand caressed over her flat stomach, lightly tracing, soothing. "I won't hurt
you, baby. Try to relax for me."
Her eyes opened again, hesitant and uncertain. "You're...so...so...!" she blustered, swallowing. "What if
I can't...?"
He groaned, because he was losing control, losing it all over again when he'd sworn he wouldn't, that
he could contain the raging desire she kindled. But he couldn't. The feel of her body cost him his
He moved helplessly against her. "You did before," he said. "God, Barrie, don't tense like that!" he
whispered urgently. "Oh, baby, I can't stop...!" His hand suddenly slid between them and he began to
touch her expertly, feeling her body respond immediately, uncoiling, lifting helplessly. "Yes!" he
groaned. "Yes, yes...!" He shuddered and suddenly his tongue was in her mouth probing, like his body,
teasing, penetrating...!
She sobbed. He was doing something to her, something that made a rush of pleasure shoot through
her like fiery shafts, that made her body crave what he was doing, what she was feeling...
There was a fullness that grew unexpectedly, that teased and provoked and excited. She was empty and
now, now, she felt the impact of the fullness, shooting through her like fireworks, making her body
throb in a new rhythm, making her blood flow faster. She could hear herself breathing, she could hear
him breathing, she could feel his hips moving, his skin sliding sensuously against hers, above her, as
his body moved closer and closer. She couldn't breathe for the hectic beat of her heart. She opened
her eyes, her nails biting into his muscular upper arms as she tried to look down, to understand what
was happening to her.
"No, don't look," he snapped when she tried to see. He kissed her eyelids, so that they had to close, and
his mouth found hers again. His hand was still between them, and she was feeling things so intense
that they made her mind spin.
"What are you.. .doing?" she gasped against his devouring mouth, shivering as the pleasure suddenly
gripped her and made her body convulse.
"My God.. .what do you think I'm doing?" he cried out, shuddering as his hips pushed down in a
pressure that sent the sun shattering behind her eyelids in a burst of pleasure so primitive that she
sobbed like a child.
She couldn't tell how he was touching her now, she didn't care. She was moving with him, helplessly.
Her taut body felt hot and tight and swollen. She felt it opening to the fullness that was alien and
familiar all at once. This, she thought blindly, must be how a man prepared a woman for his body,
His mouth never left her own. She was buffeted in a hard, quick rhythm that increased the fullness and
the pressure, and it wasn't enough to fill the emptiness she had inside. Her legs felt the rough brush of
his as she heard the anguish that came gruffly from the lips possessing hers. She could hear someone
pleading, a sobbing high voice that sounded oddly like her own. She went rigid as the feeling
stretched her as tight as a cord and suddenly snapped in the most unbelievable rush of hot pleasure
she'd ever known in her entire life.
She felt intimate muscles stretching, stretching, felt her body in rhythmic contractions that threatened
to tear her apart. And even as they took her to a level of ecstasy she'd never dreamed existed, the
plateau she'd reached fell away to reveal one even higher, more intense...
She cried out, shivering, sobbing, drowning in pleasure. She must have opened her eyes, because his
face was above hers, taut and rigid, his eyes so black they might have been coals. His teeth were
clenched and he was trying to say something, but he suddenly cried out and his face flooded with
color. She watched him in rapt wonder, saw his eyes go black all at once, saw the helpless loss of
control, the set rigor of climax that made his face clench. The pressure inside her exploded and she [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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