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 Confuse you? But you re so smart. Her laugh preceded his sharp
slam of the door.
Frustrated beyond hope of sleep, Eric reached for his robe, then slid
into slippers. He grabbed the flashlight from his bedside table. He
needed fresh air before he went back into that room and wrung
Janice s neck if it really was Janice and not Jane pretending to be
Janice. He swore again.
Five minutes later, Eric realized he was at the barn door. Why on
earth he d chosen this particular path, he wasn t sure. He decided he
may as well check on those blasted goats, now that he was here.
The barn door squeaked on rusted hinges. The goats rose to their
feet as he entered, rustling the hay. Eric snapped on the barn light.
Sam and Sadie huddled in a corner, their eyes wide but sleepy.
When they realized it was him, Sam snorted.
 You d better get used to having me around, Eric said, moving to
the trough to check their grain supply.  Like it or not, I m the hand that
feeds you.
He dumped sweetened oats into the bin, then held out a handful to
Sam, who backed further into his corner. Sadie wasn t so shy. She
nibbled the oats greedily, her snout warm and tickling his palm. Eric
gave her a gentle rub behind her horns.  At least I know where I stand
with the two of you. No secrets between us, hey, Sam?
Sam snorted, confirming his dislike.
 No, I thought not. But I ve finally figured out why you and I don t
like each other, Sammy old boy. We re too much alike. Sam tilted his
head back, scratching his back with his horns, while Sadie accepted
more molasses and oats.
Eric filled their water trough and settled on the hay. There was little
use in going to bed. He couldn t sleep. Sadie brushed his side, her
brown eyes glowing solemn and warm in the dim lighting. He rubbed
the goat s fur and to his surprise, she lay near him on the hay.
Several minutes later, Sam settled on the other side of Sadie, curling
next to her for warmth. The goats fell into sleep. Unwilling to disturb
them, Eric rested his back against a bale of hay. It was going to be one
lonely night. One long and lonely night.
Eric s lids drifted closed and an uneasy sleep overtook him.
Jane was waiting for him in his dreams. Her lips were close,
smiling. He could feel her soft, wet, kiss on his cheek and he smiled in
his sleep at the sensation.
A large bang interrupted his dream.
Eric awoke abruptly. Sadie was crouched over him.  What the ?
Good lord, it wasn t Jane kissing him, it was Sadie licking him. He
sputtered disgust and pushed the goat away, then sat up and rubbed his
 Counting goats instead of sheep or do you always make it a habit
to sleep in the barn? Jane asked.
Realizing he had a human witness, Eric bolted upright.
Jane took in his appearance, her mouth curling slightly. His robe
had fallen open, exposing part of his chest and his upper thighs. The
sprinkling of dark chest and leg hair caused her breath to catch, but she
released it quickly. Forcing her stare upward, she took in his punk
hairstyle and the piece of straw clinging to his left ear.  Should I be
jealous? You and Sadie were looking pretty cozy.
He scowled.  I came to check on the goats and must have dozed
off. His voice was gruff with irritation.
 Wake up on the wrong side of the hay? she asked, concealing a
 No. What are you doing here? Shouldn t you be contriving more
schemes with your sister?
 I came looking for you. Hildy said it s time for breakfast and she
asked me to find you.
 I see. He rose and brushed straw from his robe but missed the
piece hanging from his ear.
Jane decided not to point it out to him. She crossed her arms over
her chest and waited for him to restore what was left of his dignity.
Eric began searching the hay.
 Looking for that? Jane asked, pointing to the slipper hanging out
of Sam s mouth. The heel was partly eaten.
 Good grief. Eric tried to retrieve the shoe and failed.  It s a
wonder I m not missing a toe.
 Goats are vegetarians, she informed him.
He said something nasty under his breath then glared at her.
 Temper, temper. Jane shook her finger at him. She hooted the whole
way back to the house.
* * *
The straw was still hanging off Eric s ear when he arrived at the
breakfast table. Jane chose not to comment. Janice giggled and Jane
reached under the table to pinch her.
Eric scowled at them both, then placed his napkin on his pajama-
clad lap. Hildy raised a silent brow as she sat his eggs in front of him.
 From the looks of you, one might think you slept in the barn last
Eric shot a warning look at Jane and Janice.  I slept a little later
than usual. I ll dress after breakfast. I plan to spend the day putting up
the electric fence, he added, smiling briefly at Hildy. Eric picked up
his orange juice and took a sip. The straw on his ear dangled
precariously with his every move.
Janice snickered, then covered her mouth with her hand. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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