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Damon turned back to crouch over Carson s battered face.
 Renounce. Your. Claim.
Carson stared at him sullenly for a long minute before grounding
out,  I renounce my claim on the female, Ryah Hardaway. Then he
smiled nastily through the blood on his face.  For now.
Damon lifted the man by his shirt collar until their noses almost
touched.  Leave town, pup, because if I ever see you near her again, I
will not be as merciful.
Tate opened the front door, and Damon threw Carson with enough
force to send him flying out into the driveway, where he tumbled and
rolled before coming to a stop on his back.
He slammed the door shut and reached for Tate, pulling his mate
into his arms. He held him tight for just a moment, savoring their
victory, then eased back to take Tate s hands in his own. He brought
them up to his lips, brushing soft kisses over the bruised and scraped
knuckles. They were already beginning to heal.
 You were wonderful, baby. Truly terrifying, he teased.
Tate snorted, pulling his hands away.  Asshole, he muttered back
 What just happened? Ryah whispered, drawing their attention.
They rushed to her, Tate pulling her into his arms, and Damon
enveloping them both in his own.  You re ours now, Ryah. That s
what just happened.
 I was never married to him? For really real? And what the hell is
he? She sounded anxious and afraid, but also a little relieved.
 For really real. Damon chuckled.  And he is a Shadow Walker.
He s been bitten and changed by a vampire and a lycan.
 I thought you said only the purebloods could change people?
 True. But I don t mean a vampire-lycan hybrid. I mean he was
bitten, drained, and given the blood of both a vampire and a lycan at
the same time, Damon explained.
Keeper of the Light 65
 That s gross. Ryah wrinkled her nose and cocked her head to
the side, considering him.  I saw him change once, she confessed
quietly.  I passed out and when I woke up, I thought it was all just a
dream. She shuddered a little.  Does it always hurt when you feed
from someone?
 Carson Owens is a certifiable prick, Tate growled. Then added
in a softer tone,  We would never hurt you, Ryah.
She nodded and smiled.  I know, she answered confidently.  I
Suddenly exhausted, Damon sagged against his mates. It had been
a long, emotionally driven day. As much as he longed to continue
what they had started in Ryah s bedroom, he didn t want their first
time with the girl to have any connection to Carson Owens.
Ryah belonged to them. Forever. They had all the time in the
* * * *
Damon kissed Ryah s forehead, then leaned over her to kiss
Tate s.  Let s get you two in bed, huh? Ryah, would you like to stay
in your room tonight? It had been four days since her return home,
and Damon wanted her in their bed.
 Oh, umm, she mumbled, looking hesitant and uncertain.
 Would you like to sleep with us tonight? Tate asked quietly.
 The choice is yours, honey. We will never force you to do anything
you aren t comfortable with.
 Do you mind if I sleep with you? She still sounded uncertain.
Damon held his composure, but on the inside, he whooped like a
kid on Christmas morning.  You are our mate, Ryah. We wouldn t
ask if we didn t want you. He brushed her lips softly with his own.
Ryah nodded and turned to Tate, apparently seeking confirmation.
Tate s smile lit up his entire face.  Don t look at me, little girl. I
would have had you in our bed from the get go. We just wanted you
66 Gabrielle Evans
to feel comfortable, and we figured you needed your own space to do
Ryah slung her arms around his neck and planted a brief, but
searing, kiss on his lips.  I love you, she whispered when she pulled
 Love you too, he responded dazedly.
 Hey, what about me? Damon pouted.
 Oh well, I suppose I love you as well, she quipped.
 You suppose? He gawked at the woman in front of him.
 Well, Tate is cuter. I guess you have your uses as well, though. I
mean, we do need someone around to lift the heavy stuff. She
winked at him then giggled as she took off running down the hall.
Tate laughed so hard he had to prop himself against the wall to
keep from falling over.  Don t worry, big guy. I guess I love you,
too, he gasped around his chuckles.
Damon didn t know what to do. His mates were ganging up on
him, and he had a feeling he better get used to it. Honestly, he found it
cute and fun.  Asshole, he mumbled to Tate as he took off down the
hall after his other mischievous mate.  Ryah, you little shit, get your
ass back here. Though he tried for commanding, he couldn t keep the
laughter from his voice.
Ryah hurried back down the hallway, coming to a stop right in
front of him, and bouncing on her toes. She held her hands behind her
back and looked up at him innocently.  You bellowed?
It warmed his heart to watch her flirting with him, teasing him. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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