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But feel happy it is happening. It always happens slowly, slowly: one drop by one drop a great
can become full. It happens in drops, but in the drops the ocean is coming. You Just receive it with
gratitude, with celebration, with thankfulness.
And don't try to stop the mind. Let the mind have its speed ...you watch.
The fifth question:
Beloved Osho, How can the sex energy be transformed into samadhi?
antra and Yoga have a certain map of the inner man. It will be good if you understand that map; it
will help you, it will help you greatly.
Tantra and Yoga suppose that there are seven centers in man's physiology, the subtle physiology,
in the body. In fact they are metaphors, but they are very, very helpful to understand something of
the inner man. These are the seven chakras.
First, and the most basic, is muladhar. That's why it is called muladhar: muladhar means the most
fundamental, the basic. Mul means the basic, of the roots. The muladhar chakra is the center where
sex energy is right now available, but the society has damaged that chakra very much.
This muladhar chakra has three angles to it: one is oral, the mouth; the second is anal; and the third
genital. These are the three angles of the muladhar. The child starts his life with the oral, and
of wrong upbringing, many people remain at the oral, they never grow. That's why so much
chewing gum, continuous eating, happens. This is an oral fixation, they remain in the mouth.
There are many primitive societies which don't kiss. In fact if the child has grown well, kissing will
disappear. Kissing shows the man has remained oral; otherwise what does sex have to do with lips?
When for the first time primitive societies came to know about civilized man's kissing, they
they simply thought it ridiculous - two persons kissing each other! It looks unhygienic too, just
transferring all sorts of illnesses to each other, infections. And what are they doing? And for what?
But humanity has remained oral.
The child is not satisfied orally; the mother does not give her breast as much as the child needs, the
lips remain unsatisfied. So the child will smoke cigarettes later on, will become a great kisser, will
chew gum, or will become a great eater, continuously eating this and that. If mothers give their
as much as the child needs, then the muladhar is not damaged.
If you are a smoker, try a pacifier - and you will be suddenly surprised - it has helped many people,
give it to many people. If somebody comes and asks me how to stop smoking, I say, "Just halve a
pacifier, a false breast, and keep it in the mouth. Let it hang around your neck and whenever you
like smoking, just put the pacifier in the mouth and enjoy it. And within three weeks you will be
surprised: the urge to smoke has disappeared.
Somewhere the breast is still appealing; that's why man is so nruch focused on feminine breasts.
There seems to be no reason. Why, why is man so much interested in feminine breasts? Painting,
sculpture, film, pornography, everything seems to be breast-oriented! And women are continuously
trying to hide and yet show their breasts; otherwise the bra is just foolish. It is a trick to hide anid
show together; it is a very contradictory trick. And now in Aimerica, where every foolish thing goes
to its extreme, they are inijecting chemicals into women's breasts, silicon and other things. Tlhey
stuffing breasts with silicon so they become bigger and cam get the shape, the shape that ungrown-
humanity wants to see. This childish idea...but man remains somehow oral.
This is the lowest state of the muladhar.
Then a few people change from oral and they become stuck at thie anal, because the second great
damage happens with toilet training. Children are forced to go to the toilet at a certain time. Niow,
children cannot control their bowel movements; it takes time, it takes years for them to come to a
control. So what do they do? They simply force, they simply close their anal mechanism, and
because of this they become anal-fixated.
That's why so much constipation exists in the world. It is only man who suffers from constipation.
animal suffers from constipaation, in the wild state no animal suffers from constipation.
is more psychological; it is a damage to the muladhar. Aind because of constipation many other
things grow into the human mind.
A man becomes a hoarder - a hoarder of knowledge, hoarder of money, hoarder of
virtue...becomes a hoarder and becomes miserly. He cannot leave anything! Whatsoever he grabs,
he holds it. And with this anal emphasis, a great damage happens to muladhar, because the man or
the woman has to go to the genital. If they get fixated at the oral or at the anal, they never go to the
genital. That is the trick the society has used up to now not to allow you to become fully sexual.
Then anal-fixation becomes so important that genitals become less important. Hence so much
homosexuality. Homosexuality will not disappear from the world until and unless anal orientation
disappears. Toilet-training is a great, dangerous training. And then, if some people become genital -
somehow they are not fixated at the oral and the anal and become genital - then there is great guilt
created in humanity about sex. Sex means sin.
Christianity has thought sex so much a sin that they go on pretending and proposing and trying to
prove a foolish thing: that Christ was born out of a miracle, that he was not born out of a man-
woman relationship, that Mary was a virgin. Sex is such a sin that how can Jesus' mother have sex?
It is okay for other ordinary people...but for Jesus' mother to have sex? Then how can Jesus, such a
pure man, be born out of sex?
I was reading....
There was a young woman who did not seem very well, so her mother took her to the doctor.
Mother did all the talking, she was that sort.
"She's pregnant," said the doctor.
"Doctor, I must call you a fool. My daughter has never so much as kissed a man! Have you
"No, mama, I have not even held a man's hand."
The doctor left his chair, walked to the window, and gazed at the sky. There was a long silence,
mother asked, "Is there anything wrong out there, doctor?"
"Not at all, not at all. Only the last time this happened, a star appeared in the east, and I don't want
to miss it this time!"
Sex has been condemned so much, you cannot enjoy it. And that's why energy remains fixated
somewhere: oral, anal, genital. It cannot go upwards.
Tantra says man has to be relieved, destructured from these three things. So Tantra says that the
great work has to happen in the muladhar. For oral freedom screaming, laughing, shouting, crying,
weeping, are very helpful. That's why my choice of encounter, gestalt, primal and that type of group
they are all helpful to relieve the oral fixation. And to relieve you of the anal fixation, pranayam,
bastrika, fast chaotic breathing, is very helpful, because it hits directly on the anal center and makes
you able to relieve and relax the anal mechanism. Hence the dynamic meditation is of tremendous
And then the sex center: the sex center has to be relieved of the burden of guilt, condemnation. You [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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