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off and turned his face away.
 Casey? What? Jack s heart pounded in his chest. What was wrong with Elyse?
What wasn t Casey saying?
 Nothing. She s fine. It s nothing like that. It s just& I shouldn t have said
 Dammit, Casey. Jack tried to sit up, but his shoulder burned. With clenched teeth,
he had to lie still until the pain subsided.
 Knock, knock. His new visitor announced herself before he could question his
friend again. Elyse walked in. A huge smile curled her lips and tears glistened in her
eyes.  You re awake.
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 I, ah, I ll just leave you two alone. Casey practically jumped from the bed. He
paused only long enough to kiss Elyse on the cheek then beat a hasty retreat out the door.
The two stared at one another for a long moment.
 You look better, Jack& 
 & You okay? They spoke at the same time.
Elyse smiled again, but stayed several feet away from the bed.
Jack held up his hand wanting her to let him speak first.  What s wrong?
Her smile fell and her brows knitted, looking confused.  Nothing.
 Casey said something was wrong.
Her confusion shifted and something akin to anger shadowed her face. His stomach
pitched, worried about what she was keeping from him.
 You didn t get hurt did you?
She shook her head.  I m fine, Jack. Don t worry about me. You re the one lying in
a hospital bed. She stepped closer and put her hand on his.  And it s all my fault for not
listening to you in the first place. Tears fell from her eyes, rolling down her cheeks.
Jack cursed his shoulder and not being able to take her in his arms. He turned his
hand over and linked their fingers.  It s not your fault. You didn t pull the trigger.
 No. But if I had listened to you, she would have been in jail and we wouldn t have
been apart all this time and I wouldn t have gone through everything alone. The tears
fell in earnest and she pulled her hand from his. She turned away, her shoulders shaking.
 That doesn t matter now. She is behind bars now. Right? he asked. He wasn t
actually sure.
Elyse nodded.
 And as far as being apart, I thought that was what you wanted.
 No. She whirled around as she wiped at her eyes.  I didn t want that. But I thought
you didn t want me because I acted so stupidly. I thought you hated me.
 I could never hate you. I love you, Elyse.
She gulped and looked at him.  What did you say?
 I said, I love you, Elyse.
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Trading Faces
He looked at her. Waiting, hoping she would say something. Her red, swollen eyes
just stared at him. Maybe she was in shock. Or maybe she just really didn t care. Jack
couldn t wait one minute longer to tell her.
 Where are my things?
 Huh? Your clothes? She seemed startled at the shift in conversation. She looked
around the room and opened the armoire.  In here.
 Is my jacket in there?
Elyse nodded.
 Can you look in the front left pocket?
She gasped.
 You found the velvet box?
 Wha& what is this?
 Open it and see for yourself.
 Jack? She hesitated and looked at him.
 Open it.
Her eyes widened when she looked at the one-and-a-half-carat pear-shaped solitaire.
 I know it doesn t compare to the stones you had, but it was my grandmother s.
 It s beautiful, Jack, she said, still mesmerized by the ring.
 I came over to your house this morning to ask you to marry me. I wish I could get
down on one knee and do it right, but well& I love you, Elyse. I want you to be my
She said nothing. Tears again welled and a few spilled. Finally, she turned to look at
She had a suspicious look on her face.  How do you feel about building a family?
 I m all in favor. And for the first time in his life, he wanted a family and knew he
was ready.
 Are you now? If if I said yes, how soon would you want to start?
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Denise Belinda McDonald
 As soon as I could get out of this bed. I would right this minute, but the nurses
probably frown on that, he said, eliciting a smile from her. Her face lost the suspicion as
if he had put her mind at ease.
 And if I still couldn t have any?
 There s always adoption. But I doubt that would be a problem.
 I know so, he heard her say.
He held his hand out for her.  I m sorry you thought I hated you. I was hurt you
didn t listen to me. Then I figured you just didn t want to be with me and that s why you
never called. I ve loved you for a very long time. I think from the first time I met you
thirteen years ago.
Her eyes widened again.
 That s why Casey and I followed you. I couldn t bear to think of something
happening to you. Couldn t take that chance.
 You never did answer me. Will you marry me?
 Hang on. She pulled the ring from the box and set the box on the bed.  Here hold
this. She handed him the ring.  Jack Walling. She leaned over the edge of the bed and
gave him a long kiss.  I love you more than anything.
His ears rang and heart pounded in his chest. She loves me!
She held out her left hand.  I would love to marry you.
He slid the ring on her finger and clasped her hand.  Come here. He pulled her
toward him. He needed to kiss her.
 Hold on. One more thing. You sure you want children?
Her hand trembled in his. Why did she keep asking him the same question?  If we
had one or ten I would love to have children with you.
 I m glad you said that&  she pulled a small slip of paper form her pocket and
handed it to him,  & Daddy.
As Jack stared at it his brain slowed to a crawl.  What is this? It looks like& 
 A sonogram. I m pregnant.
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Elyse& pregnant. He was going to be& a dad. A smile spread on his face and tears
He was stunned.
 Why didn t you tell me?
 I was scared.
She shouldn t have been. He told her he d be honored if she had his child. Why
hadn t she told him? Why hadn t she come to him? Because he d acted like an asshole
and scared her away. He didn t blame her one bit. He covered his face with his hand.  I
can t believe I was so stupid. I should have come to you sooner.
 I guess we re even then, huh? Time to check our pride at the door. Elyse s cool
touched floated over his forearm.
 Yeah. Jack lowered his hand.  We re going to be parents.
Elyse smiled.  Yes we are.
 When& ? How& ?
She arched her eyebrow as she looked down at him. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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