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bad one. She started to back away from him, desperately trying to think of a way to lighten the
"Are you okay?" She whispered.
The dark gaze narrowed. "I'm fine." He replied, in a voice that said just the opposite.
"I hoped you'd be in a better mood."
Trin pushed his hands into the deep pockets of his sagging jeans. "Mmm hmm...so how was
your visit with Spry?"
Dom's face brightened as she remembered the fruitful discussion she'd just had with Spencer
Cule. "How'd you know?" She asked.
"I saw him."
"Oh." Dom said, nodding slightly. "Well, after I remembered the marriage, I told Belinda
that I wanted to meet him."
"I didn't think he'd get here so fast, but he was so sweet about the whole thing..." Dom
rambled on and on. She didn't tune into Trin's responses to her statements as they became shorter
and harsher. "...he's so funny, I tell you, I never laughed so hard and I-"
"Will you please, be quiet?"
Dom's smile disappeared and she frowned. "Excuse me?"
"You heard me."
Dom raised her hand in the air. "Wait a minute, didn't you just ask me about my visit with
Trin could feel his vicious mood threatening to show through and feared he was about to
snap. "Dammit, will you please?!" He roared, squeezing Dom's arms as though they were his
Dom gasped, both confused and frightened. She grasped the front of Trin's T-shirt. "Trin!
Trin stop!..."
As if he were snapping out of horrible dream, Trin realized how strange his actions must
have appeared and he let her go.
"What's wrong with you?!" Dom cried, massaging her arms, her eyes filling with tears.
Trin massaged his head and took several deep breaths. "Baby...I'm-I'm sorry, I-"
"What?" Dom said, aggravated by his quiet stammering.
"I said, 'I'm sorry!'"
"You're damned right! I mean, who in hell do you think you are?!"
Trin, finally having enough of protecting Dom, stormed over and clamped his large hands
across her shoulders. "I'm your husband! That's who the hell I am. Your husband!"
Of course, Dom was stunned. At first she just stood there staring at him with her clear, hazel
eyes. Then, she shrugged off his hold and took several steps away from him. Meanwhile, Trin
was silent and waited to see how the news would affect her.
"You're crazy." She said, her voice no more than a whisper.
Trin gave her a one-dimpled smile that was far from humorous and shook his head. "No, you
just don't remember."
"Why are you doing this?"
"Domino, please listen to-"
"Your name is Dominique Carver. Carver before we got married." Trin explained, his dark
gaze narrowed as he watched her.
Dom shook her head. "My name is Kyla Carver." She said, remembering the name Spry said
when he referred to her parents.
"Kyla was your great grandmother's name. It's your middle name. Spry should've told you
Dom ran one hand through her hair and walked across the room. "Why are you saying
"Because it's the truth." Trin said, remaining disturbingly calm. "Baby, why do you think I
came here?"
"To visit your cousin or that's the lie you told me."
"Belinda is my cousin. She and Aaron knew who you were, but kept it a secret hoping you'd
remember on your own."
"Kept it a secret." Dom repeated, becoming frustrated by each new revelation. "So they
knew about Spry and all that?"
Trin shook his head. "No. All they knew was that you were my wife. Nobody knew about
the rest, but you and Spry." And me, he silently added.
"You've been here all this time and you're just telling me this now? I slept with you and
thought that I'd done something cheap and dirty and-"
"And you never told me?!"
Dom raised her hand. "No, no it's not your fault, it's mine. I should've demanded to know
everything there was to tell."
"Love, Belinda and Aaron thought it was for the best and after a while I thought so too."
"Mmm hmm...well I'll tell you right now what's best is for me to get the hell out of here."
Dom decided, rushing towards the door.
Trin caught her before she could make it that far. "I can't let you stay here, Domino."
"Forget it, you have no choice."
Trin began to grind his teeth. He didn't want to force Dom into going back, but he knew he
would if there were no other way. "Baby, don't you want to see your friends again? Your family
in New York? Your father almost died when he heard about the crash."
Dom blinked and snapped her eyes away from Trin's. He had peaked her curiosity with the
statement and she couldn't deny how badly she wanted, needed to see her family. Finally, she
began to nod.
"Alright...alright, I'll go back."
"Trin, what the hell are you talking about?"
Trin sighed and reclined on the sofa. He was in Aaron's study later that evening. He had just
told the doctors what happened. "She knows everything." He was saying for the second time.
"How?" Belinda questioned, slapping her hands to her sides.
"Trin?" She called, when he took too long to respond.
"She came over to see me after her visit with Spry."
"Wait a minute," Aaron whispered, "you knew?"
"Mmm hmm, y'all almost pulled it off, but I saw him leaving when I got back from dinner."
"So I take it you lost your temper?"
Trin looked at Belinda and nodded. "I did."
"Belinda, it's over now and I can't change it."
Aaron was toying with a paperweight on his desk. "So how'd she take it?"
Trin shrugged. "She was upset, but not hysterical."
"I'm goin' to see her." Belinda decided and left the room.
"Are you taking her back?" Aaron asked.
Trin nodded once. "Yeah, we leave day after tomorrow."
"She put up a fight?"
"At first...but she came around."
Aaron ran one hand through his wavy hair. Trin could tell that he was very concerned.
"Look Aaron, I know I wasn't thinking when I blurted this out. Once I started talking, I
couldn't shut up. Anyway, I'm glad it's done. We'll just have to wait and see what happens."
"It's open." Dom called, tossing a fleece jogging suit into her suitcase.
Belinda entered the house slowly and found Dom in the bedroom. "Hey." She called,
watching Dom back and forth filling her case on the bed.
Dom didn't answer, but continued to pack. Belinda knew she must have been devastated, but
wanted to try and get her to open up.
"Maybe you should try callin' me by my first name instead."
"Sweetie, please-"
"Why didn't you tell me?" Dom snapped, turning to pin Belinda with an angry stare.
"Honey, we thought it was for the best."
"Maybe for the first month or two. Maybe. But it's been so long...I mean, were y'all ever
gonna tell me?"
Belinda held out her hands in a defensive gesture. "We wanted you to come around on your
"But my name, Belinda. You could've at least told me my name." [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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